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I'm so sorry to make y'all wait so long. My surgery has a couple of lingering effects.

The man pulled out his other hatchet ready to throw at us. I pulled Synthia to the side as the hatchet flew to close to her head. I looked back at the man with fear in my eyes" w-who are you" I ask in a shaky voice. The man twitched and tilted his head. Me and Synthia backed up. We then backed up into something. Synthia slowly looks up and quietly under her breath I heard" oh shit" so I look up and notice a man without a face looking down at us. We move away from him but are stuck between the guy with the hatchets and the faceless dude. Synthia then taps me" goggles is ticci toby. Faceless is slenderman" she whispered to me. Then my face fell" I thought they were just stories!" I yell out. Toby chuckles under his mouth guard" all s-stories h-have truth g-girly" the faceless man then picked us up with is tentacles and a loud voice sounded in our heads" fear not children. I won't hurt you" ..........


I enjoy being evil. But hey. It's kinda hard to consentrate when your jaw is screaming at you with pain. Cliffhanger for you guys!  Love ya!!!

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