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All it took was one choice.

All it took was one stupid decision to take the little bit of normalcy that I had out of my grasp. As of right now I yearn for the days that I could hang out with my two best friends and talk about how much of a dick my father was and how much my mom got on my nerves. I wish to take back the times I'd hoped something exciting would happen in this old broken down town in beacon hills.

But sadly its too late I can't take back what I had hoped for. I can't go back and take the time I spent sneaking out with my now torn family. I can't heal my battered heart over the lose of someone I never truely had. And I defiantly can't undo the looks of betrayal I'd received over the past month from the people closest to me.

Now I'm left trying to pick up the scrapes of who I used to be. Stuck trying to piece back together a person who is dead to the world. Its not even like I could blame anyone else for what I've become because I let it happen.

I chose my loving friends that always seem to find there way into trouble.

I chose to ignore my heart.

I chose to let my friends drag me into the forest that would ultimately end up becoming our demise.

I chose to lie.

I chose to keep secrets.

So this is what becomes of it.....

What do you do when your best friend turns into something you only thought existed in the romance novels that you've always hated? What if you fall in love with the spazzy boy who can come up with sarcastic comments quicker then you can say shut up.

I bet you couldn't come up with an answer but unlike you Blake doesn't have any choice but to answer. How can she deal with highschool, a werewolf, all the murders in beacon hills, and try to keep everyone safe.

Will she overcome her obstacles or will she drown in regret for what's happens. Rather it's not being able to help everyone or the fact that she can't get the guy she just found out she has always been in love with. Might also be that she never got to say goodbye to the ones she took for granted. follow Blake as she travels through the supernatural in beacon hills she never knew existed.

Because like they say in driving commercials it only takes One choice.

First teen wolf story and I'm pretty excited sorry if you were expecting the first chapter.
But if you like it so far please vote and follow me and read my other stories.

Our choice.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora