Chapter 5

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Blake pov

The bell rang just as Stiles and I made it into the classroom.  Examining the room I noticed all of the seats were full except for the three by Scott. Pushing stiles out of my way I ran into the seat on the right of Scott while Stiles was left with the seat behind him. Because nobody wanted to sit by Greenberg.

"As you all know there was a body found in the woods last night. And I am sure your eager little minds are coming up with various morbid scenarios as to what happened." Stevenson started as stiles, Scott, and I shared a knowing look.

"But I am here to tell you that the police have a suspect in custody. Which means you can give your undivided attention to the syllabus which is on your desk outlining the semester." I looked back to stiles who had a confused look on his face before turning back to my desk and opening up the thick packet.

Blah blah this blah blah that all I got from the damn thing is that we have a lot of work to do and this class is boring as hell like always. Right as I close the packet the door opens and in walks Mr.Hillman our principal and some brunette girl.

"Class this is our new student Allison Argent. Please try to make her feel welcome." Mr.Hillmen stated before leaving the poor girl at the door looking like a baby deer caught in headlights.

Everyone watched her like a hawk studying its prey. She sat down in the only open seat next to Greenberg and left of Scott. If that wasn't terrible enough as soon as she sat down Scott turned toward her and handed the chick a pen. Some welcoming gift Scott thank god she only smiled warmly and took it.

"Psst Scott heyyo buddy" I tried to get Scott's attention but he was too focused on the dark haired beauty. I ended up throwing my only pencil to the back of his head.

"Ow Blake what the hell was that for" he rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey you should thank me you were staring at her like she was your last supper." I rolled my eyes but he just gave me a blank stare.

"Anyways I was trying to get your attention so that I could ask you to turn your creep meter down a few hundred notches, you don't wanna be another Greenberg."

"What Blake?"

Smacking my hand to my head I decided to give up.

"Nothing never mind, just could you hand me my pencil it's right next to your foot." I pointed at his feet. He ended up stepping on it breaking it into two he says it was a accident but I call foul play.

Walking down the full hallway I grumble in annoyance seeing as I'm only alone because my friends left me in class. I was about to head to Scott and Stiles when I caught sight of the new girl. Better make her feel welcome since no one else was making the effort. She had just closed her locker when I reached her.

"Hey your Allison right?" I asked making her jump a little surprised that I was behind her.

"Um ..Yeah nice to meet you.." She drifted off unsure what to call me.

"Oh sorry I'm Blake-Blake Wilson" I said holding out my hand to shake. When she shook my hand my vision went black as if all the lights had blew. Then like this video scene went off in my head. It was really dark and hard to make out a bunch of details but I could see two little girls trying to hold onto each other as they were pulled apart crying for each other. It filled me with this type of sadness and emptiness of having something or someone important taken away from me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2019 ⏰

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