chapter 1

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Blake's POV

*disclaimer I do not own teen wolf in all its glory I can only take credit for Blake and Grace and both their story lines 

"This can't be happing..." I whispered with wide eyes as the book Allegiant by Veronica Roth falls out of my hands and onto my black carpeted floor.

I stare at my dark purple walls covered with random pictures, posters, and articles of all shape and sizes in shock. A gentle knock sounds through my dark brown wooden door but of course I ignore it. Still trying to wrap my brain around the tragic bullshit that just happened in this book.

"Hey, Blake are you in there or did you sneak out with your idiot friends again?" My sister's melodious voice flows through the closed door jokingly.

"Mhmm..." I hummed not really being able to respond with my usual amount of sarcasm due to being on the verge of tears.

Squeaking is heard as my sister opens my old door but I don't take my attention away from my starring contest with the wall, that I was losing might I add.

In my mind I'd hoped she would see that I was busy trying to handle a major mind fück. But it's quite clear she couldn't see my lack of response as a indication to leave.

"So Mom left for work twenty minutes ago and dads still at his business trip in Europe for another two weeks. Soooo that means we've got the house all to ourselves an- Woah, woah what's wrong? Why do you look like someone just killed a newborn puppy?

I finally pull away my focus from the wall to look at my twin. The infamous Grace Wilson that looks nothing like me with her long blond hair, bright green gems that are her eyes, and tan skin making her a spitting image of mom. While I on the other hand got my looks from my dad with my very dark (almost black) brown reddish frizzy hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin.

"Oh you know the usual. The book I've been wasting my life on completely coming to a end. Because some asshole thought it would be a good idea to play with my heart." I spat glaring back at the wall.

Grace made her way into my room from hanging on the door deciding to sit next to me at the foot of my bed on the ground.

"You wanna talk about it ?" She asked cautiously, knowing she was lurking on unsteady grounds.

She nudged me with her shoulder and I fell back letting my head hit the edge of the bed with a grunt. Looking up at my cheap glow in the dark stars on my ceiling I sigh.

"No. No I don't want to talk about it." I sighed Standing up and belly flopping onto my bed.

"Now what was is it you were trying to tell me... You know after you came in here like a rude bitch interrupting me." I mumble with my face still down on the bed.

I heard dramatic gasp before I was smacked in the head with a pillow probably from my lone chair in the corner of my room.

Removing the pillow I throw it back at her which she failed at ducking making her fall off the side of the bed with a loud thump. I couldn't help but smirk at my sister's disgruntled form on the ground as she glared at me.

"Anyways, like I was saying before I so graciously fell, mom and dad are gone so what'cha wanna do? Grace asked standing up from the floor dusting off imaginary dirt.

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