chapter 3

46 3 0

Blake's pov




Poke poke poke.

"She's not waking up Grace" Lydia butted in from somewhere in my room.

"You know Lydia I'm not a total idiot. I might not be as smart as you but I can defiantly see the obvious. But if you think you can do any better be my guest to wake the sleeping monster." my sister sassed the strawberry blonde.

I bit my tongue to stop the snarky response that was dying to slip out. She had some damn nerve to say something like that considering I'm the only one who woke up last night when someone broke in. Well technically Stiles wasn't breaking in he had a key, which, still freaks me out.

"Blake, wake up I know you can hear us. I seen your eye twitch when your sister first poked you" Lydia pushed my shoulder.

Shit she's onto me. What do I do? What's do I do?

"Mmmmmm...." I mumble and roll over to face the wall hopefully away from them.

"Come on Blake we're are trying to give you enough time to take a shower. Now get your fat ass up before I attempt to pull you out of the damn bed." Grace complained angerly.

As if on its own accord my arm swung out of the comforter and displayed my middle finger. Huh, what a nice but unhealthy reflex.

"Fine you brought this upon yourself." Grace muttered before the covers were forcefully pulled off me. Leaving me with nothing to fend myself with from the cold crisp air coming from my cracked window.

I sat up rubbing my legs together glaring at my sister who stood at the end of my bed smiling sweetly at me. Looking toward my clock irritation quickly made its way through me.

"What the hell is wrong with the two of you! It's six in the morning are you guys insane" I yelled looking between my sister and Lydia. Who somehow were already dressed to perfection.

"Insane no. Committed yes" Lydia smirked.

"Committed to what exactly an insane asylum?" I snapped.

Lydia looked to Grace instead of answering me so I turned to her expectantly too.

"Well we're committed to making you look presentable for the year. And who knows you may find a boyfriend along the way." She avoided eye contact with me.

"Are you serious? So that's it then I'm embarrassing you guys not living up to top girls name" I glared at both the girls who flinched back a little at my heated gaze.

"No no that's not it Blake at all. Look your really pretty and we just want to dress you in a way that shows it. And it would solve your 3rd wheeling problem. We want you to happy."

My facial features softened into a small smile. Even though what they where are doing is a little fucked up in my books they were just trying to look out for me.

"Fine. I guess I understand so lets get this torturing over with." I muttered rolling my eyes as I got bright smiles from both of the girls.

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