Chapter 4

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Blakes pov

(the picture is what grace looks like)


My sister snapped her fingers in front of my face. Bringing me back to reality from staring at my nails in hopes something would magically happen so that I wouldn't have to bear people at that damned school .

"Uhh yeah what was that" I asked trying to play it off earning blank stares from Lydia and Grace.

"I was trying to tell you that we're here." Grace smiled teasingly as lydia got out of the car waiting for us .

I looked up from my nails and looked out my window at Beacon Hills High School conforming that she was right. I let out a sigh of disappointment knowing that summer was officially over and so was my everyday freedom.

"Hey whats with the disappointed face?" She asked as a concerned look washed over her perfect face.

"Ooooh nothing just mentally preparing myself for hell and the mental abuse I'm going to receive from it." I sighed again looking back out the window and toward the school. 

Grace lightly shoved my arm bringing a smile back to her face.

"Hey don't sound so down its going to be okay trust me. And you know what something tells me this year is going to be totally different."

As soon as those words left her lips my gut twisted in a bad way. Something told me her words might be true about this year but not in a good way. Nevertheless I forced a bright smile on my face to make her feel like her words did some good. She smiled back warmly getting out the car to meet Lydia.

By the time I exited the the bright red car Lydia and my sister had already started strutting down the car park gaining everyone's attention. I walked fast with my head down trying to catch up to them making everyone move their questioning glances to me. Coming up upon the stairs to the school I happened to notice the back of Scott's unruly curly head. I made a detour to them straying away from the focused strawberry blonde and the almost platinum blonde.

"Dude that's going be the best thing that's ever happened to this town since-since the birth of Lydia Martin and Grace Wilson"  I heard Stiles say as I walked up behind the boys who hadn't noticed I was there yet.

"Hey girls, You look like-like your going to ignore me" stiles continued sadly.

They stood quiet for a few moments Scott just shaking his head at his friend who was starring hopelessly at my sister's bestfriend who didn't even spare him the light of day.

"Wow that was brutal" I finally spoke.

"What the hell"

"Oh my-what the fuck"

Stiles and Scott exclaimed at the same time jumping. They looked like deers caught in head lights. In return I received two sets of death glares which slowly morphed into shocked stares from the both of them.

I was beginning to become a little worried from their looks after the first silent moment. Scott held a shocked/amazed look on his face with his mouth open as he did a friendly once over on me. But Stiles had an unreadable expression on his face and his eyes gleamed with something that I couldn't even begin to comprehend and like Scott his mouth was wide open but he had a little drool.

"Ugh hello Scott? Stiles? What the hell is up with you two is there something on my face" I started freaking out my eyes going wide.

Scott was the first one to break out of whatever spell they were in.

"Ugh um no, no your fine its just that you-I mean is that a uhh-"

"Skirt. Yes it is I was forced into it this moring bye thee Lydia martin. She can be very persuasive and hostile when you tempt her." I said cutting off Scott.

Scott nodded and then looked at Stiles and elbowed him in the ribs. Stiles quickly looked away from me clearing his throat.

"So mind telling me what you guys where talking about before my sister and Lydia made their grand entrance." I said rolling my eyes

Stiles head perked up with excitement.  

"Check it out Blake our little Scott found the body-or well half the body last night." Stiles spoke slinging his arms around Scott who looked not too pleased about it.

"You're kidding right?" I asked continuously switching my gaze from Stiles to Scott.

"I wish I was kidding. But sadly like I told stiles I'm going to have nightmares for a month." Scott shook his head.

Stiles and Scott shared a look.

"Why do I get the feeling that's not all that happened?" I asked uneasy.

Scott groaned annoyed but answered anyway "because it's not."

It was silent for another moment until I rolled my eyes.

"Are you going tell me or am I going to have to go all spy kids three on you!" I asked annoyed that he wouldn't just tell me.

"I kinda sorta got attacked by an animal after finding half the dead body." Scott sighed 

Wow it really wasn't his day yesterday first he found a dead body that might possibly scar him for life and then he gets attacked.

"Really something attacked you.. Did you at least go to the hospital or anything? Come to think of it what type of animal was it? I fired concerned doing a once over on Scott but he looked pretty fine to me.

"He says it was a wolf." Stiles answered for Scott smirking.

I gave them both deadpanned looks. They're not serious right are they? I mean they couldn't possibly take me for an idiot would they?

"Well no....that's kind of impossible considering there hasn't been a wolf in California in like 60 years." I stated staring at the two as stiles did some wild arm movments like he just proved a huge point to Scott. 

Scott huffed and rolled his eyes turning to leave stiles and I. He can't seriously be mad at us because he was being stupid can he.?

"Stiles what's wrong with our friend?"

"I have no idea but we should probably go so we aren't late to class." Stiles pushed me in the direction of the doors.

I groaned and stomped up the stair and into the visible doors of hell. Great let's get this shit show over with.

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