chapter 2

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Blake's pov

"Stiles can you please tell me why the hell I'm doing this again?"

Currently me, stiles and Scott are standing in front of the beacon hills preserve sign that said no entry after dark. But here we are being dumb assess and ignoring it.

"Yeah stiles I'm with Blake on this one. Why the hell are we out here" Scott complained coming to my right side.

"Look guys, you're always bitching about nothing ever happening in this town. And now that something is happening you're bitching about it. Make up your damn minds okay." Stiles shined the one and only flashlight we had in both mine and Scott's eyes blinding us for a few seconds.

"Your right stiles I do always 'bitch' about nothing ever happening in this crap town. But that didn't mean I wanted to go out in the woods at midnight to look for half a damn body"  I whisper yelled almost tripping over a stick. Thankfully my face didn't come into contact with the ground. Thank you Scott.

Our protest were all in vein considering stiles practically skipped into the forest like we hadn't said anything at all. That boy just makes me want to choke him sometimes. Scott and I shared worried glances before catching up to Stiles. Fearing that we would both end up getting lost if we didn't keep up.

"You know Stiles I was trying to get a good nights sleep so I could be completely ready for tryouts tomorrow." Scott tried to get his best friends' attention with no luck. 

"Right Scott. Because being a bench warmer every year is just such hard and grueling work." I sighed dramatically. Chuckling to myself I look over to the death glare Scott was sending me.

"No, because I'm playing this year. In fact I'm going to make first line." Scott smirked as if he'd won something.

Stiles stopped in his tracks turning around to face Scott. Yet again shining the light in his eyes.

"Yeah that's the spirit Scott. Everyone should have a dream.....even if it's a pathetically unrealistic one" Stiles smiled condescendingly.

I burst out laughing not being able to hold it in. I mean I know you should chase after your dreams and have big goals but really Scott first line? Scott yet again rocked a death glare but this time not just directed at me.

"Alright change of topic cupcakes. So Stiles, do you even know what half of the body we're looking for?" I asked out of curiosity trailing my finger down a wet branch as we pass by.

"Huh. I didn't even think about that." Stiles replied ticking his jaw.

"Okay well what if the killer of the body is still out here." I asked finally coming to the conclusion in my head that we could possibly die out here.

"Also something I didn't think about."Stiles replied and kept walking. My steps slowed down in fear before I shook it off and sped back up not wanting to be left alone.

"Great to know you don't have any answers to any of my questions." I muttered sarcastically pulling my hair into a tight ponytail.

"Yeah Stiles it's comforting to know you planned this out with your usual attention to detail." Scott added a little irritable.

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