Lily gone bad

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In the next month Lily became a lot more distant. She hardly ever said hi, and the others never saw her in Candyland. One day in Candyland when they were walking through the cotton candy fields they saw a bit of black in the distance. Brooke and Tyler rode on Calypso while Rosie and Jason rode Moonbeam. Tyler and Brooke soared above, laughing all the way, while Rosie and Jason rode silently.

Once they got right near the black they saw that it was Lily... and all the evil creatures in Candyland! Night horses, Shadow unicorns, Black licorice warriors, and standing in the middle of it all was Lily wearing a black crown with a black jewel shaped like a skull for the centerpiece!

"L-L-L-Lily?" Rosie stammered, "W-w-why would you d-do this?" she was trembling.

"Please," Lily snorted, "I was never your friend! I just thought you could help me with school! But now you have given me an entire Kingdom! I shall command these troops in a battle against Candyland. You don't stand a chance! You're lucky I warned you. You have 3 weeks. Starting... Now."

Brooke gently led Rosie back to Candyland. On the way back Brooke steered Calypso while Rosie sobbed. Jason had figured out how to steer Moonbeam, so he did. Tyler rode on the back.

Once they reached Candyland they went up to the castle library in the legend section to see if there were any books that foretold the upcoming battle.

"Here's one," Jason pointed out, "I remember there was something about a battle between the evil creatures and the candy people. A few months ago when I discovered this place I stocked up on knowledge. This book was one of the ones I read."

"The Legend of the Chrystal heart?" Brooke asked, confused, "What does that have to do with it?"

"There's a legend," Jason responded, "where the two sides will wage war. The Chrystal heart is the key to peace. It will banish the bad creatures to the dark side of Candyland. The dark side of Candyland is like the dark side of the moon. Since Candyland doesn't spin, the dark side gets no light."

"So we find the Chrystal heart," Brooke realized, "We bring it back to Candyland, and it restores peace."

"It will be floating in the sky somewhere," Jason told them, "but Tyler and I can't go. This job is only for the queen and princess. The king... Not so much. When you bring the heart back, release it into the sky directly above the chocolate fountain."

They said their goodbyes and Rosie and Brooke set off.

Adventures in Candyland: The Legend of the Chrystal HeartWhere stories live. Discover now