Lily interferes

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On week 2 day 1 Rosie and Brooke soared over the forest on Calypso, Moonbeam trotting below. They tried to find the heart on the way to night horse field. No luck. At 7:00 they decided to finally take a break. Rosie signaled to Moonbeam to stop, and they met her on the ground.

For dinner they had more of their chocolate, and regretted eating so much while they were in the candy section of Candyland. They went to bed at 9:00.

On week 2 day 2 of the quest they set off again for the night horse field. They arrived at 8:00 and fell asleep immediately.

On week 2 day 3 of the quest they soared together on Calypso again. Rosie sensed a dark animal, so she told Calypso to go down so they could check on Moonbeam. When they found her she was lying down, a  black licorice warrior standing over her.

"what did you do to her?" Rosie cried, "Who are you?"

The black licorice warrior took off his helmet. It was Amy, the new princess of the Evil section of Candyland.

"I stole her bridle," she announced proudly, "and I'm not giving it back until you wield me the throne. A unicorn loses her magic without her bridle."

Rosie was petrified. She had to choose between the best pet she'd ever had and a world she'd come to love. Either way, she would lose Moonbeam.

Luckily Brooke wasn't as stunned. She leaped at Any and kicked her stomach. Amy tried to fight back, but once Rosie recovered from the shock of the choice and the surprise fight and came to help Amy didn't stand a chance. She rode away on her night horse, Shadowmane, after returning the bridle.

Just when they thought they were safe they saw Lily coming on her shadow unicorn, Noir. They fought her off, but she managed to take Rosie's necklace. Her grandmother had given her the necklace, and she was very mad. that gave her the courage for everything else she did after that.

On week 2 day 4, 5, and 6 they kept riding on the ground, each girl riding her own pet.

Adventures in Candyland: The Legend of the Chrystal HeartWhere stories live. Discover now