Saving Candyland

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Brooke saw Lily coming at 3:00. She called to Rosie, who called on the gingerbread soldiers to hold them off. Brooke soared down, picked up Rosie, and they positioned the heart perfectly to reflect the sun. The night horses started to disappear one by one, then the Shadow unicorns, next the black licorice warriors, then Amy, and finally Lily herself.

She disappeared kicking and screaming, "I'll get you for this!" but Brooke and Rosie didn't pay attention to that. They only cared that they were safe, and so was Candyland.

2 days later they met up with Jason and     Tyler at the castle. Once they relayed their adventure the boys just stood there stunned.

"Wow," they said in unison.

"I knew you would have to fight some dark creatures," Jason said, "But this is just crazy!"

Turns out Jason and Tyler hadn't done much. They had gone back to the regular world, where everyone thought Rosie and Brooke were in a coma. They'll believe anything.

Once Brooke and Rosie got back they opened their eyes in a hospital bed! Sure enough, the boys had been right.

Once they were allowed home there was a pile of all the assignments they had missed on each of their beds. School was definitely not their favorite change.

2 days after they got back Brooke was talking to Tyler after school about all the difficult tests and assignments.

"I mean, 3 pop quizzes, 2 midterms, 6 homework assignments, 4 projects, and 1 presentation? I only take calculus, geometry, history, politics, LA, and chemistry! How much work–"

Tyler cut her off with a kiss. When they parted she just stood there stunned.

"w-why?" she stammered, still in awe. They were dating, but that was their first kiss.

"To shut you up," he smirked.

"Okay, so why did you really kiss me?" she asked playfully.

"because..." he trailed off, "because I love you."

Brooke smiled. "I love you too."

They were still a little bit bored though. They hoped they could someday have another adventure in Candyland...

Adventures in Candyland: The Legend of the Chrystal HeartDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora