The quest begins

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On the first day of the quest they decided to try the peppermint forest. They figured since it was a symbol of Candyland it might hold a legend. It took them a full day to get there, because they lived in the North side of the city. If they lived on the South side it would have taken 5-6 days. Almost a week. The trekk would have taken that long anyway, but they had Calypso and Moonbeam. Sometimes Calypso soared through the sky, others she galloped on the ground.

When they finally got there it was 6:00, and they were famished. They decided to eat some peppermint bark from the trees. After they ate they slept, deciding to hike through the forest tomorrow. They would return at the odd of the day to the edge of the forest.

The next day they decided to have some of the chocolate they packed for breakfast. In Candyland all food was healthy, and there was no regular food. They had no luck that day in the forest, and decided to try the Laffy taffy lake next. It was close by, after all. It only took them 6 hours instead of 10 this time, so they had a while to explore the lake. Still no luck.

The next day after some Laffy taffy seaweed (Laffy taffy was growing like a plant in the lake) they headed off to the cotton candy fields. They didn't think they would find it, but it was the last place in the candy section of Candyland. It took 2 days to get there, and when they did they fell right to sleep. On day 6 they explored the south half. Still no Chrystal. Day 7 they explored the north half. No luck but Rosie's crown was tingling. There was an evil creature lurking close by.

They heard a crack. "What was that?" Brooke asked nervously.

"it was nothing," Rosie reassured her, "I stepped on a twig."

The path was getting less clear.

"Brooke, I don't think we're in Candyland anymore," Rosie said, half joking, "I think we've entered the Shadow Unicorn valley."

They most definitely had. The grass was almost nonexistent, and the few trees had multiplied. They were surrounded by black trees with no leaves. These ones weren't made of candy.

That night they slept restlessly. It was the last night of week 1, and the first night in the evil section of Candyland.

Adventures in Candyland: The Legend of the Chrystal HeartWhere stories live. Discover now