Quest complete

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On week 3 day 1 they rode all day and finally entered the black licorice warrior training facility. This was the most difficult part of their journey. On the first day they defeated 30 warriors. It would take another day to get to the edge, where they would briefly return to the city before continuing into the Evil castle and surrounding areas. (yes, that's an actual section of Candyland.)

On week 3 day 2 of the journey they ran into Amy again. This time it was Rosie's turn to fight, and Brooke's to be surprised. She had pretended to return the necklace before punching Brooke. They eventually fought her off again. They defeated 50 warriors as well. They slept in the south of the city.

On week 3 day 3 of the journey they set off into the evil section again, this time with better luck. They found the Chrystal heart in the sky on the border directly west of the Evil castle.

They saw Lily heading for the heart. "Stop!" Yelled Brooke. They raced to the heart. Brooke won, since she was on Calypso, but Lily followed close behind.

Brooke attached Calypso to the heart and rode the allicorn all the way to the east edge of the City. Lily followed about half the way before realizing she had no hope.

On week 3 day 4 they rode all the way to gumdrop circle, only 1 hour east of the Chocolate fountain.

Week 3 day 5 they finally reached the chocolate fountain. They knew Lily would attack that day. She had said 3 weeks, but they had known all along that it was a trick.

Adventures in Candyland: The Legend of the Chrystal HeartWhere stories live. Discover now