Clean Rain

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It was a late day in March, the rain was pouring. I've never seen it pour like this, I'm going to have to head to my target in this pouring rain! Every time I take a step, clumps of water shoot into my face. I'm almost at my target and I'm hearing weird screaming, they sound as someone else is here attacking too. I'm still heading into the war zone, it's starting to rain harder and the screams are getting louder and closer. "Help!!" What the heck is out there, this wreckage if creeping me the heck out! "Ahhhhhh" What in the world is going on! Then this weird feeling went through me, making me feel as if I'm disappearing and then reappearing. Could I have time traveled? I'm back at the beginning of the rainy day. What the heck is going on? Maybe I should look around where the screaming was coming from, I might find some answers there! "Ahhhh!" Well that's not the scream I would like to walk to! I walked around an old abandoned warehouse and saw a guy on top of another guy eating him! What the hell are you doing? The guy that was eating the other guy looked up and started to heavily breathe. "Rrrrrr!" Crap! I began to turn around and run, but there was more of these things, so that means I'm going to have to fight. I pulled out my dual-wield pistols as those things came at me. "Rrrrrrrr!" I jumped up and kicked the one in front of me onto his butt, then I did a backflip twirl into the air kill two of these creatures with an headshot. The other 3 kept trying to get me as I took off on a dead run, I took a break around the corner and something grabbed me by surprise. Get your darn hands off me you beast! "Who do you think your calling a beast?" Oh sorry didn't realize that you weren't one of those...things...creatures or whatever! "Well, let's get this straight, those things are called zombies!" What the hell are you talking about? Zombies aren't real! "Well, they are now you dumb freaking agent!" Who you think your calling dumb and who the hell told you I was an agent? "The president sent me out to look for you, he said you were the best of the best!" Let's get to the chopper then! "What chopper?" What, you don't have a ride? Then she pulled out a flip phone that had only a little red button on it. "Oh I have a ride all right." She pressed the button and out of the blue, a car pulled out. Holy hell! "Get in!" I ran over to get in the car and then a zombie creature jumped out from hiding and grabbed me by surprise. Helllllp! "Hold on!" As I was fighting the zombie her car had a big gun come out from the top. "I'd close your eyes!" I closed my eyes and all I could hear was a big explosion and then guts went all over my face. What the hell! "Rrrrrrrrr!" "Get in a herd is coming!" I made my way to the vehicle and then I saw the huge herd with hundreds of zombies, I got in the car and the car started to fly. How in the world are we flying? "Oh yeah! Are you ready to go to the president?" Yeah, how long? "Two minutes!" What!? Boom, we were off! A few minutes later like she said, we arrived at the White House.

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