Zombies Part 2

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"Rrrrrr!" The zombies started to hit the door and we waited for them to start coming in to start killing them. "I got a spare Ray Gun!" She tossed me her spare Ray Gun and I tossed my shotgun to the ground. Fire with no mercy! Boom, a flash went off outside the door of the presidents office. Guys in swat suits came in and said "follow us!" Who in the world are you! "We come from an alternate universe and have come to destroy your world, but we want to take you humans with us!" Why you talk funny bro? "I'm from an alternate universe, we have weird accents!" What the heck! "Dad stop talking to him that way, he helped us!" Olivia shut the hell up! "Sir, there is no way to be like that! Follow us and live or stay here and die!" We both grabbed our stuff and began to follow them! I whispered to Olivia, they seem suspicious. "Keep up you two!" We made it down stairs to where we came in and realized that those weren't zombies heading towards us, they were these guys 1,000's of them in the same suit. I pulled out my blade and slashed for the head chopping them off. Olivia, run! "What the hell dad!" The rest of the swat team ran out from hiding, shooting at us. Can your car fly to you? "Yeah!" We made it back in the presidents office and I managed to block the door. Call the car! She pressed the red button and then her car drove through the window. "Dad, get in!" I began to run as I began to hear the swat team shooting at something and I heard screaming, I jumped into the car. Go!

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