The world beond the whitehouse

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We've been traveling for several days after that White House incident. No food or water. We've passed several military bases and saw that they were overwhelmed with zombies. We've got no idea what to do. We've been through Northern California and saw nothing. "What the hell was that!" Were? I turned around to see a ginormous spaceship appear before my eyes. What the heck do we do? "We could try hyper speed! We may not have enough power which could cause us to crash!"  Do it! She looked at me fearlessly, then she looked down and hit the hyper speed button. "Oh hell no!" What's happening? "The thrusters have burst! We have to land immediately!" What? "We have to land or else were going to be dust!" Oh, but wasn't that are left wheel that blew off back there? "Oh hell no!" Language Olivia! "Dad nows not the time!" She began to head for land as the spaceship appeared behind us. Olivia! "Hold on!" Olivia, that spaceship is back! She slowly turned around. "Fuc..." I woke up on the ground to see flames everywhere and to see Olivia on the ground bleeding bad, she had a sharp piece of metal coming out from her side. Olivia! "Da.." Olivia? Olivia? Her heart stopped, I stood up to see a 15 foot tall creature standing in front of me. Stay back! He started to walk closer. Stay back, I'm warning you! "We from planet Exif, I number 279. I no mean harm."  

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