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A few days have passed since my daughter, Olivia, died. The alien creature has been taking me to his ship every since I found out that he was friendly. "Further it is!" Wait! I want to send my little daughter onto the next life. "Life not over. Up hill over!" He started to point at a hill and started walking up it. What the hell do you think I am! "Body!" Why? "Weak you are!" I reached for my pistol and he disappeared. "Kill me not!" Next thing I know, I'm up in the air. Fine take her! "Kind you are!" We started to head up the hill again and he was ahead of me, he made it over the hill first. Wait! I made it to the top and he was gone. I heard a loud noise to my left, I looked and saw smoke. Hello? Alien creature! "Dad? Dad is that you?" Olivia? I ran over to the smoke to see my beautiful daughter laying down on some medical bed and aliens surrounding her. Olivia? What the hell is going on? "They saved my lif..." Explosions were going off on the spaceship blowing me off my feet. Battle planes were shooting at the aliens ship. Olivia? Get out of there! "What the hell! What just happened?" Get to me now, no time to explain! There coming back for another round! Out from within the smoke I saw Olivia running towards me as the planes came back in for another bombing, she dived into me causing me to tumble over. Bomb after bomb they all exploded, the aliens that saved Olivia were running out with some kind of weapon. Olivia? Have you see those weapons before? "Yeah! They are like RPG's, but way worse!" The aliens aimed their guns towards the battle planes and shot five rockets. Olivia? We need to run, now! I grabbed Olivia's hand and started to run towards the forest near by. I turned around to see the aliens taking bomb after bomb to the head and still up. "This is flight 261! These creatures are very strong!" Flight 261? I'm down here with these creatures, they saved my daughter! Get the hell out of here before they evaporate you! "Copy that! Flight 261 out!" As they turned around to head back to base the aliens shot a swarm of missiles at the battle planes. Flight 261? There is many miss... They exploded into thin air disappearing completely. Olivia! Don't look back at those creatures other than enemies! "But dad! They aren't enemies in  the future!" What? "They are our allies." Wait! If they aren't our enemies in the future! Then why did you come back to this time period? "I came back to kill the president! He enslaves these aliens!" I nodded my head and started to head towards the other side of the forest as aliens jumped out from hiding with big guns aimed at us. "Dad?" I know Olivia!

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