A new quest : Jason's perspective : Part 2

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Wow, Percy is back. And I have so many questions and I can't help but to feel happy. "Hows new rome? Hows it working with your studies? Is it still the same as it were before? How does it feel to come back?" I keep asking. "Jason, too many questions at once" he laughs but I can see his pain in his eyes. Somethings wrong with him, after the wars, he just got worse. I stop asking questions and tell him about my work. "They have built 5 new cabins already, the Hephasteus kids are amazing and they're even better since Leo came back and helped them" he looks at me. "Leo's back?" Hm, strange ... I thought Annabeth told him. "Didn't Annabeth tell you that?" he seems to think for a moment before he answers. "Yeah... I guess she did" he seems confused. I study him, something is very wrong, for some reason it does not make me that happy anymore. "Wow Percy we really need to cheer you up" I give him a serious look. "No... Im fine..." he says. "You're not... Come with me" he seems to protest but I force him to move. "Its great, Jason, stop" I let him go. His look only shows misery. I try to smile but I can't. He notices. "Im sorry..." He says. "Its great to be here, lets go do something" he puts on a smile but it doesn't hold. I just look at him. "Well, ok... Lets go se Blackjack" I say at last.


After a while Percy seems to be shining up, he keeps talking about the memories that comes up when hes here. I smile again. Were al gathered in a circle, sitting in the grass. A group of demigods and satyrs celebrate Percys and Annabeths return to camp half-blood even if they're only going to stay for a while. Something about that seems to hurt incredibly in my chest. A satyr is coming to us, he looks down but when he looks up I recognize him. Its that satyr Percy's been talking about to meet. "Percy, Isn't... Isn't that Grover" Percy stops his conversation and looks up. Wow, his face changed to a lot of feelings at once, some were extremely sand and confused but then he started to cry. "Grover!" they hugged for a long moment. "Percy" he keeps saying. "I can't, I can't believe it! You're here!" they laugh and seems incredibly happy. I can't help but to feel happy too. But then Grovers face changes. "You shouldn't have come. They... A quest is coming up... Percy, you're the only one that can do this..." Grover looks deadly serious. And thats when everything simply goes wrong. Percy screams, and... leaves, hes running incredibly fast. "Percy!" I scream. I rise up and follow after him. He knows Ill be running faster so he heads for the beach. "For gods sake! Percy! Stop!" I keep running but then hes gone. He takes a dive to the water and disappears. This is not good, not at al. I turn to face the water and sit down at the beach. The sand is hot but the air feels strange, much too cold. "Percy?" I whisper but no one answers. 

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