A big mistake : Jason's perspective : part 4

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We left camp half-blood the morning after, with supplies, food, our weapons and extra clothes. We also got poison. Just in case we couldnt kill the monster. What Rachel said, was blurry, the words were not connected at al. Apparently we just have to find the answer later. I look at the words I wrote down when she spoke. "Hungry hatred, grief and pain, will take the courage from the sane. Cursefull man shall Pierce the blade, and love will have to make a trade". What could that mean? It did not sound good. I look at Percy, hes sittning in front of me in the train. Clarisse sitts beside me. I guess they dont want to sitt close to each other. Hes looking out through the window, like hes lost. Then he looks at me. His eyes are so empty, It just makes me more curious about what might have happened to him. He blushes and looks away. I wonder why. Someone speaks through the speakers. " Next station in 2 minutes" That's where we're going of.
Nobody says anything when we get out, the silence is unbearable. I cant handle it anymore. "Okay, so whats up with you two?" I ask. They glare at eachother. "Hm, maybe the fact that Percy's a jerk?" Clarisse answer with a nasty tone. Percy is looking at Clarisse like he might hitt her. "What did you-" I interuppt Percy. "Look, we're a team, we must cooperate. Lets talk about that prophecy-" Clarisse interuppts me. "I have nothing to say, lets just go and finnish this thing" she passes Percy and me. Im starting to get a bad feeling about this trio. Percy looks at me strange. "Is there something you want to say?" I ask carefully. "Hm... No. Maybe later" that boy confuses me. Still, when hes happy, he's such a nice person, his personality and kindness and care makes me feel a lot for him. The confusing part is that I dont really know what I feel for him and it scares me because it might be feelings that Ive not felt before for him. I reallize Clarisse and Percy is already ahead of me so I run after them to catch up.

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