Opposites attract

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Her mind was like a hurricane, a grenade, about to destroy everything that came in its way. The feelings of loneliness ignited flames of self-hatred and suicidal thoughts. She had friends who never got what she was going through. They didn't get that the aching in her heart came from something far more worse than sadness or boredom. She acted tough, scared people, built walls to keep them from reaching her most sacred thoughts, and pushed all her loved ones away. They never knew it was all a façade.

A girl caught her eyes one day, she was beautiful and exceptionally gorgeous. Deep blue sapphire eyes that shined like diamonds, pink strawberry dyed hair, and a white fair skin. Her smile was mesmerising, and her laugh was contagious. Every single thought that ever crossed Marceline's brain was about that certain pink haired girl.

Keila noticed her friend's loving glances and those loop sided smiles that made her look like a total goof. She was happy for her friend because Bonnibel was the sweetest girl in the entire school, and she knew that she wouldn't do anything to hurt Marceline in any way.
"You should talk to her and actually try and become her friend instead of looking at her like she's your entire world!"

"I can't just do that Kei! What if she's not interested in me?"

"Bonnibel is really sweet Marce, you two would definitely get along."

"Maybe in a different parallel universe when I'm not an awkward person and can actually talk without embarrassing myself."

Keila's pleadings never got her anywhere, her friend had a thick skull and never actually listened to anyone.

Marceline hated all weekdays, but she despised Monday. No music lessons, two hours math, and PE. She considered her lessons today lethal. She was convinced that Mondays shouldn't even exist and that the scientist just messed up or something. Even the sky looked like spilled ink from a bottle and it was really cold. She was relieved when her day was finally over.

As she was driving past the parking lot of the school, she couldn't help but notice the blue eyed girl walking alone in the rain, with a book above her head to somehow prevent the numerous water spots from drenching her head.

"Hey! Do you need a ride?" Marceline mustered up the courage to ask Bonnibel.

"I'd love one! Are you sure it's okay? I don't want to bother you."

"It's no trouble at all, dude. Hop in."

Bonnibel felt something weird squirming in the pit of her stomach when Marceline talked, when she laughed, and when she looked at her with adoration. In fact, bonnibel had a crush on Marceline since eight grade, but never found the courage to tell her.

They didn't really have that much in common, aside from the fact that they both agreed on Ed Sheeran being the best. It turned out that Marceline was a music prodigy who played more than fifteen instruments, and Bonnie was a geek who liked conducting experiments. Marceline decided that Mondays weren't as terrible and horrific as she thought they were.
She ended up staying for dinner, she even drove Bonnie to school the next day and hung out. Soon enough they became best of friends, inseparable, stuck together with super glue.

Bonnie was like magic, she helped her when she couldn't understand the lesson, she was the shoulder Marceline needed when her brain was shutting out, she soothed her by whispering sweet stuff in her ears about how amazing Marceline was and how she can't even imagine life without her anymore. Marceline had finally let her guard down and felt okay about sharing deep secrets with her crush, she knew that bonnie wouldn't do anything to hurt her.

Hearts are wild creatures, which is why they're trapped in a cage made of bones, with veins and arteries surrounding it. Once it starts loving someone, it can never be tamed. It starts skipping beats and roaring, trying to set itself free, but never can, for it's not strong enough.

Both hearts were acting mad and crazy. Marceline had fell head over heals for Bonnibel and she felt like it was time to tell her best friend how she really felt about her. She was hoping that bonnie would catch her and never let her go.

They were hanging out in bonnie's bedroom, cuddling in bed, watching pretty little liars reruns and trying to figure out the details that hinted who A was. Marceline looked down to see that bonnie was half asleep, she thought that it was the cutest thing and couldn't stop herself from capturing a picture and setting it as her wallpaper. She shut the laptop and tried to sneak out of bed without waking bonnie up.

"Stay the night?" Bonnibel asked with eyes closed.

"Do you want me to?"

"I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want you to, dumball." Marceline laughed at her nickname and decided to obey Bonnibel and sleep next to her.

"I think I'm in love with you, Marcy."

"I know that I'm absolutely in love with you, bonnie."

Bonnibel looked up to her with shock and relief. Slowly, she moved closer to Marceline and kissed her with every fibre of her being. The kiss was chaste, the next one was more intense, the third was long and filled with lust. It ended up to be a full make out session. They waited far too long to admit their feelings.

Marceline and bonnibel are two opposite people, with two different
personalities, a chirpy happy one and a depressed one. A person who was interested in music and All Time Low songs, and a person who liked to spend her afternoons conducting science experiments. Sure they were opposite, but their different taste in life kept things interesting. They were both madly in love with each other and their differences never mattered to them.

Whoever said that opposites attract is a genius. There's nothing more beautiful to see two opposite people synchronise so harmoniously.

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