Without You

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"The dark sky looks like ink spilled from the bottle," Marceline thought one day as she entered the flower shop that was owned by her mother before she died, now Marceline is stuck with her nostalgic father, she doesn't remember her mother that well, but she knows that she was really kind and loving. The only one thing that keeps her attached to her mother are the letters that she wrote to her before she committed suicide, there were letters for everything, it was her way of staying in Marceline's life. Marceline was simply annoying, and a pain in the neck, but one thing that means the world to her is her guitar and music. She hated when someone interrupted her while she was playing, because music is her only nirvana, her only way out of this world. Marceline misses her mother very dearly, she wished everyday that her dad was the one depressed and not her mother. That might be cruel, but her dad doesn't really make an effort to stay in her life and try to get a hold of a heart to heart conversation with her.

Bonnibel on the other hand, was a bubbly person, her eyes were like sapphires, and she had the warmest smile ever, joy and happiness always radiated from her face, her parents are never around, always so busy working, sometimes they act like Bonnibel never exists, but she knows that they'll always be here, they care about her, they don't show it, but they do. She was a New Yorker, independent, stubborn, but one thing she wasn't, snobbish. She would trade all the money of the world so she can have the family that she always wanted, the parents that were never away, but of course that could never happen; life doesn't work that way. They even made her move with them to a small town, thinking that noisy New York didn't work for them anymore, they moved to a place much calmer; Bonnibel didn't care though, because she was up for new challenges.

Bonnibel was walking on the sidewalk, listening to a shuffle of songs on her iPod, it was yet another day were she was left at home; Marceline was lost in her daydreaming, wondering as usual about why her mother did what she did, did she even care about her? Was she that unlikable? Her thoughts got shattered as she felt herself falling down.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry." Cried Bonnibel as she was standing up again, Marceline was just staring at her, with a blank expression on her face, Bonnibel kind of just stared back, until she finally spoke:"what's wrong with you?" her raspy voice filled with anger, Bonnibel cringed a little, surprised at how the other girl reacted, it wasn't entirely her fault, she wasn't paying attention either." Hey! I'm not the only one to blame here plus I said I'm sorry" Bonnibel fired back, feeling the anger rise through her body. She was so agitated that she hadn't noticed that Marceline was out of sight, and the people of their town that were piling in the disserted street looking at her like she was some crazy lunatic.

Bonnibel continued her day like usual, but she felt something weird swirling inside of her, she didn't know what to name that feeling exactly, because well, she never felt that way before. Marceline was yet lost in her thoughts, but this time she wasn't thinking about her parents, she was thinking about that pink haired girl that she bumped into hours before, Marceline would never admit this, but she was glad that she met her, she distracted her from her annoying thoughts about her parents, but she didn't want to get attached to her. Marceline knew there was a storm coming soon thanks to the forecast, a dark storm that matches her mood and personality, what she didn't know was that her own life will be turning into a raging storm itself, where she has to fight her own fears, and decide her destiny.

The usual gentle murmur of voices could be heard above the harsh churning sound of the coffee machine as it struggled to produce the hot steaming liquid beloved by the customers and the grating voice of Mary the overworked waitress. The coffee shop had red walls and chestnut brown tables throughout the small area, Bonnibel thought that it was absolutely welcoming and it would be the best place to head to when you're feeling down or alone, being alone was the reason for Bonnibel to start working at that coffee shop; the owner, Mrs. Clark, already treats Bonnibel like she's family, even though she started working there only for two days. Mrs. Clark is a really old lady, hair wizened and desiccated, eyes fatigued and worn out. The coffee shop faces a beautiful flower shop where flowers of different colors adorned the walls and tables. Bonnie noticed that today they didn't get many customers, unlike the other days where the coffee shop was bustling and very busy.

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