Breakups and makeups

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"I miss her, badly, terribly. She's been in my life for as long as I can remember and I can't believe I screwed that up because I put my responsibilities before her. I was supposed to be the love of her life, I was supposed to comfort her and help her during her hard times, but
instead I told her that she was just a distraction, after she confessed that she had a panic attack earlier that night because of her anxiety. I can't believe how inconsiderate I was, she probably abhors me now." Bonnibel sighed as she dropped herself onto her bed dramatically and closed her eyes to push away the brick of tears that threatened to pour down as she remembered that night.

"You and Marceline always fought over the stupidest things, and I might say that this was somehow serious, but Marceline loves you so much bonnie, she worships the ground you walk on, she would never hate you." Lady comforted her friend who looked almost dead by now, her body stick thin, blue sapphire eyes drooping with the same color below them, and not to mention that she hadn't smiled once since their fight last month.

"I really want to talk to her, but she pushed me away so many times this past month and her eyes were cold. She never spoke to me like that before lady, but I deserve it. What kind of a girlfriend am I? I chose to study for finals instead of comforting my soulmate, the one person that matters the most to me. Words cannot even describe my love for her. Even if I caught a glimpse of her, my heart would melt and it would flutter like Marceline was the most precious diamond to ever walk this earth, I can't help but smile when I see her coming my way and think to myself "god I'm so damn lucky to call her my girlfriend", well, used to be. I really screwed up lady." Bonnibel couldn't hold her tears any longer, she needed Marceline back because without her, bonnie couldn't even breathe properly. Her heart ache and she could feel the peaces of it slowly drifting away, breaking more each time Marceline glared at her or ignored her when she tried to sort things out. Did Marceline feel the same too?

Probably not. If she did, she would've agreed to talk to bonnibel and solve the mess that she created. Bonnie knew she was cold hearted sometimes, but that was because of the stress and lack of sleep, bonnie would never hurt Marceline on purpose, she tried to apologise to marcy as soon as her harshful words slipped out of her mouth. Her venomous words still echoed in her head, haunting her until she broke down and cried all over again.

"Bonnie you were like a zombie that day, you hadn't slept for 29 hours. Marceline can't blame you for that forever, and even if she did, so what? You're bonnibel bennet, since when you needed someone to count on?" Lady was signalling that bonnibel was both strong and smart enough to get over this. She never dated anyone but Marceline and she doesn't get how much bonnie truly loves her.

" I'm not the girl I used to be, lady. Marceline took that girl a long time ago, and now Marceline's gone too, and all that's left is a broken girl trying to pick up what's left of her soul." Bonnibel closed her eyes and turned her back away from her friend, trying to signal that she was done with this conversation and didn't want to talk about Marceline any longer.

"You're stronger than you think,Bee. Just think about moving on and don't be so hard on yourself anymore. I know that you love Marceline, but she's damaging you emotionally. She will cave in soon, can't you see how hard it's for her to act so tough around you? She literally breaks when she yells at you and tells you to eff off. Don't worry bonnie, everything will work out soon."

Bonnibel didn't reply and stayed silent, too astonished to even speak. Marceline does not care about her at all now, all she could see is the hate in her eyes. She missed her smiles, her goofy laughs, she missed her harsh honesty. Marceline never means to hurt anyone, but she doesn't realise that her honesty and her true opinions are sometimes too harsh on the people to accept. Bonnibel was never bothered by that, in fact she was starting to believer marcy when she called her beautiful or too cute for her own good, bonnibel used to flush at Marceline's adorable remarks.

Bonnie was too deep in thought to realise that lady left, leaving her alone to drown in her own thoughts. She wanted to call marceline now and tell her how much she missed being in her arms, how much she missed her strong shoulders that held her tightly when she was on the verge of tears, her long legs and slim figure, her jet black hair that was way down her back, but most of all, she missed her green mesmerising eyes that made her fall for Marceline harder each time she looked at them. Marceline was her oxygen, and if she lost her, then she lost her life.

Before she could decide whether or not to call Marceline, her phone rang and bonnie was shocked to notice that it was Marcy calling her. Bonnibel was a bit worried about marceline calling her since it was 3 am, but she quickly answered in fear of marceline regretting her call and hanging up. Before bonnie could even sputter a word, marceline's voice rang in her ears, "Bonnie?"
Bonnibel sighed in relief when she noticed that her ex girlfriend was not drunk and did not called her by accident.
"Hey ,Marcy. Everything alright?"

Marceline sighed when she heard the gentleness that echoed from the pink haired girl. She did push her away this past month because she thought that bonnibel didn't need another burden to lay on her shoulders. But after some serious talking with her best friends and keila telling her to man up and talk to bonnibel already, she decided that she will talk to bonnibel. Technically, she decided to call at 3 in the morning in hope that bonnibel was asleep so that she didn't have to cave in.

" Marcy I never meant what I said that night, if I could go back in time and take it all back I would. I miss having you around just cuddling and bickering over silly stuff. I miss when you used to stay over the night and you hogging all the bed. I miss your laughs and your silly snorts that you hate but I think that they're the cutest things ever. I'm so sorry that I messed things between us Marceline and I know that you probably hate me now, but I just can't imagine myself without you, I can't imagine my life without you because Marce you are my life. I'm so sorry Marcy."

Soon bonnibels sobs erupted over the phone and marceline even shed a few tears herself but she wanted to remain strong, but she found it hard to do so when her love was crying and she couldn't do anything about it.
" Bonnie, it's fine now. I'm over it. Like yeah what you said really stung even if you were really under pressure and you didn't sleep for who knows how long, but I should've been more considerate and helped you, so I'm sorry for that too."

"No marce, please don't apologise. You were having a panic attack and I put my studies before you. I don't care whether I get into the college of my dreams because the only reason I was studying so hard was because I wanted to go there so that we could get an apartment together and I can get to see your face every morning and instead of goodbyes, it could be goodnights with you cuddled up beside me."

Marceline now felt insanely guilty especially now that she heard her girlfriend's confession. Marceline that that bonnibel only wanted to go just because they had an enormous science lab or something. Marceline couldn't help but notice that she also wanted for her and bonnibel to grow old together and have each other's backs. She wanted bonnie back more than anything and she didn't want to lose her over a misunderstanding. She decided to lighten the mood and accept bonnibel's apology and her sweet ranting.
"Hey bonbon it's fine now, all's good. I want us to share an apartment as well and I'm not ready to give up on what we have because of something silly. I love you bonnibel bennet and you're not getting rid of me that easily."

Bonnibel was more than surprised to know that marceline doesn't hate her like she thought and that she still loved her. What's even better is that she agreed to move past this argument.
"I love you too marceline, more than anything else in this entire world."

"Hey bee, how about I come over and spend the night? I miss you so much and I honostly can't wait to kiss you again and call you mine. Plus this phone call is getting way too heavy for my taste."

Bonnibel laughed at her girlfriends remark especially since marceline thought she was all punk rock when in reality she was a huge teddy bear. Her teddy bear to be precise
"I'd love that marcy, I can't wait to see you."

"Love you too bon, forever. Never forget that."
I know it's been so long since I last updated but school was really hectic and when I had free time I was too tired to actually write anything.
How about the next chapter to be about bubbline and their daughter like the previous chapters?

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