Throughout the tour

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Bonnie felt the door open, and after that, gentle and small steps were heard across the room. Amelia climbed up onto the bed and gently laid her head across Marceline's lonely pillow, cuddling closer to the blanket beside her.

"It's still really early, Emmy, aren't you tired?" Asked bonnie while rubbing her daughter's back.

Marceline leaving for tour was so hard on Amelia, the mischievous kid missed her partner in crime. It was hard on bonnie too, it broke her heart every time she saw Emmy on the verge of tears. Seeing her daughter unhappy makes her unhappy, and it getting more and more difficult to hang in there until the tour is over, or at least until it's time to visit Marceline and be united once again. It didn't even satisfy the little girl to see her mother throughout a screen.

Amelia didn't answer her mother. She just laid there quietly with her head snuggled in the pillow, with her lips quivering and tears in her eyes. "Is this because you miss mommy?" The kid still wouldn't answer. Bonnie gently reached out for Amelia and placed her in her arms.

"I know you miss mommy, and I do too, but we can't complain because we still have each other. Mommy will be back before you know it, but for now it's just momma and Emmy." Amelia smiled at her mother as if she understood every word by heart.

"Love momma to the moon." Muttered Amelia as her eyes drooped and her breath evened out.

"Love you to the moon and back." And with that, the family cuddled together and fell asleep.

After waking up, bonnie decided to video chat marceline, which would keep Amelia happy for now.

"C'mon Em," bonnie said, opening her arms. Amelia giggles and crawls into her mother's arms. Bonnibel moves the laptop to the side and leans back against the pillows on the bed. The two chat for awhile until it's time for lunch.

"Can you blow mommy a kiss?" Bonnie encouraged. Amelia smiles widely and nods, bringing her little chubby hand closer to her mouth. "Mwah," she said against her palm and pulls her hand away, letting the kiss go. Marceline smiles proudly and playfully catches the kiss. She acts as if she's splitting the kiss in half and then puts a half in her pocket, and the other half on her cheek.
"Thank you sweetie. I needed a kiss for bedtime too," she explains.

"Kiss for Emmy?" Amelia questions happily. Marceline blows her a kiss from across the screen. Amelia squeals and pretends to catch her kiss imitating her mother. "And one for mommy," marceline continued and blew a kiss in bonnie's direction. Amelia followed her mother's hand and frowned when bonnibel didn't catch the kiss like they did.
"Catch, mommy," Amelia whispers teaching her mother how to properly catch a blown kiss. Bonnibel laughs and catches the kiss, putting her hand against her cheek.

"Thank you, Marce. Now that Emmy has gotten her kiss, it's time to have dinner baby girl." Amelia sighs and pouts, looking over at her mother. "No dinner, I want mommy." Marceline ran her hand through her long hair, knowing exactly the tantrum that was about to happen. Bonnibel raises her eyebrows not knowing what to do. "Five more minutes Em or your dinner will turn cold," exclaims Marcy making the 2 year old happy again. "Momma and Emmy or going to the park tomorrow," Melia explains giddily while clapping her hands and cuddling closer to her mother.

Days passed and Amelia was still missing her mother terribly.she frowns as she looks around the master bedroom. "Mommy?" She whispers sadly knowing that her mother is not here to answer her. The little girl looks over her shoulder to make sure that bonnie wasn't there, before cautiously stepping inside the closet, her big blue eyes slowly filling with tears. She brushes her hair away from her face and looks around searching for anything that marceline left behind. She spots a pile of marceline's clothes and sits down beside them, playing with the buttons. She grips a handful of the t-shirts and scoots closer to them, not having her pacifier, she sucks her thumb and falls asleep.

Soon later, bonnie wondered around the house searching for her two year old, the fact that the house was not filled with little footsteps and the tv channel was not set on peppa pig made bonnie extremely worried. She searches everywhere until she reaches her room. Bonnibel sucks in a deep breathe, trying not to panic about her little girl. Just then she hears a small whimper, making her rush towards the wardrobe. She freezes, getting suddenly teary. She kneels down and picks her little girl carefully, cuddling her closer. She wakes up a bit and sees her mother, her lip trembling and tears threatening to pure again. "C'mon little one, lets have a nap together."

Amelia sat on the bed as bonnie got ready for lunch with lady and jake. She twirled around the room and played with her favorite stuffed animal, that was before her mother's favorite. She heard a noise coming from outside the window and quickly got excited. "Where's mommy? Home now?"
She asked, looking at her mother hopefully. Bonnibel grabbed her jacket and sat down next to her daughter. "Mommy's away for work remember?" Bonnibel gently explained while fixing her daughter's hair. "We are going to visit mommy real soon, okay?" She nodded and looked around the bedroom, blue eyes brimming with tears. "But Emmy wants mommy now," she whispered quietly. Bonnibel scooped her up and sat her on her lap, holding her close. "I want mommy too, angel, but we need to be brave and hold on to each other," bonnie said kissing her head.

"What is mommy doing?" Amelia sighed.
"Mommy's singing on stage with aunty keila and bongo, probably singing your favorite song too," bonnie stood up and danced around the room with Amelia still in her hands, making her laugh really loud. As they walked towards the door, Amelia spots her mother's favorite beanie and whines.
"What's wrong, Em?" Amelia points towards the dressing table. Bonnibel smiles knowing exactly what her daughter wants. Bonnibel kneels down and slides the beanie onto her daughter's head. "That's mommy's favorite beanie, but it looks so much better on Emmy."

"How's my favorite goddaughter?" Asks keila as she picks up Amelia and spins her around, earning giggles from the cheeky little girl.
"Only goddaughter," mutters bonnie under her breath, fighting back a grin. "Momma and Emmy are going to surprise mommy, aunty "keila," explains melia happily as she wiggles out of her aunt's arms. "Really, Emmy?" Asks keila matching amelia's excitement, "well then here's mommy's room card Emmy, that way you can sneak into mommy's room without her noticing," kelia kneels down and hands over the card, "but Emmy, I heard you always give mommy kisses and I get none, can I get one of emmy's famous kisses, please?" Asks keila while pouting.
Amelia giggles and hugs her aunt, giving her a kiss on the cheek, blushing a bit.
"Thanks, keila. Say bye Emmy, we're heading towards mommy's room now," Amelia hugs her aunt once more then rushes to the elevator, behind her bonnie with the suitcase.

Bonnibel picks up Amelia and asks her if she can press the fifth button. Once it lit up, she squeals and presses a few more. Bonnibel gasps and sets Amelia down since they reached the designated floor. "Momma," Amelia laughs, "where's mommy?" Bonnie smiles and fixes her daughter's bow. "Mommy is sleeping in her room. We have to be really quiet once we go inside, okay?" The little girl nods and smiles, but bonnie saw a hint of mischief in her eyes. Amelia then rushes down the corridor. Bonnibel just laughs at her daughters actions and walks behind a bit searching for marceline's room.

"Stop Em, come back," bonnie called out, making the little girl spin around and run back to her mom. "Ready?" She whispers, earning a cheeky smile from her daughter. She puts the card and unlocks the door. Suddenly, Amelia rushes past bonnie and runs into the room. "Mommy," she squeals happily, spotting her mother sleeping on the huge bed. Marceline groans and slowly opens her eyes, and without warning, Amelia climbs onto the bed and jumps on her. "Mommy, wake up," she laughs. Marceline chuckles and wakes up, wrapping her arms around her baby girl.
"Hey munchkin," she exclaims, grinning widely. Bonnie walks into the room and sits on the edge of the bed. "Amelia, you said you were going to be quiet," she says, fighting a grin back. "I don't remember," giggles Amelia quietly earning her a high five from her mother. "That's no fun, right baby girl?" Marceline winks, hugging both Amelia and bonnie tightly around her.

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