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Who knew having a really smart kid meant her being able to start school so early? Amelia was only three and yet she was far more advanced than any of the other kids, meaning bonnie and marcy had to enrol her in school- well preschool, even if it broke their hearts. Amelia however was super excited about going there, she already met her teacher and thought that she was super nice, and there were really cool toys in her classroom that she really wanted to play with. She was ecstatic and couldn't wait until tomorrow came so that she can go.

"Is it bedtime already, mommy?" Amelia asks while fluttering her puppy dog eyes, something that jake taught her to use when she wanted something.

"No baby it's still five in the afternoon, how about dinner and a movie to pass time though?" Marceline chuckled, amelia was clearly her mother's daughter, and by mother she meant bonnibel, both get super excited about education. Of course marceline didn't mean it as a bad thing, she was really proud of amelia and what she's accomplished so far. And to be clearly honest, marceline would be proud of her daughter no matter what she decides to do with her life.

"Hmm, can we have spaghetti? And watch a princess movie?" Amelia tilts her head slightly intrigued by her mother's offer, suddenly the idea of bedtime disappeared from her little head.

"Whatever you want, baby. Go ask momma if she feels like having dinner, okay?"

Soon the tiniest patter of feet could be heard throughout the house as melia ran to her mothers home office, knowing that bonnie would be there probably researching something.

"Momma, do you want to eat spaghetti and watch a movie with me and mommy?" There she goes again with those puppy dog eyes, bonnie sighs as she closes her laptop and holds her daughter closer to her chest.

"Spaghetti sounds great mae, was it your idea?" Bonnie chuckles knowing that it's Amelia's favorite and that she requests this meal on a daily basis. Bonnie wanted this day to just consist of her daughter and wife especially since Amelia is starting preschool and before she knows it, she's going to have a teenager to deal with.

"I wanted bedtime but mommy said that I should have dinner first." Chuckling while carrying her daughter downstairs, bonnibel couldn't help but wonder if Amelia will remain excited for tomorrow, when her parents will actually have to leave her alone for a few hours. Bonnie wasn't worried about Amelia making friends, she was a social butterfly and everyone would love her, however, Amelia does hate it when she has to separate from her mothers.

As they made their way down the stairs, the amazing smell of marceline's cooking filled the air, and soon enough the meal was done.
"Now millie you do remember what we talked about concerning tomorrow, right?" Bonnie asked before devouring the food in her plate.

"Uhuh, I should always ask the teacher for help if I don't know how to do something by myself." Amelia says while bobbing her head, laughing at her mother's silly question.

"And what if you have to go potty?" Asks marceline, they knew Amelia probably remembers the answers, however they had to make sure. Amelia was always their baby, she never had to do anything alone, she always had at least one of her parents beside het at all times.

"I tell the teacher, mommy, I'm a big girl."

"And what if someone's being mean?" They ran over these questions with emmy for the past two weeks, but who could blame them for wanting the safety of their child and for her first day of preschool to actually turn out great.

"I hit them back." Amelia says while full on laughing, she knew that's not the correct answer, and that she should just tell the teacher and she could help her with her problem, however the mortified look on bonnie's face and marceline's grin made Amelia extremely happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2018 ⏰

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