Love Being With Him

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Lexi's POV

I woke up in his arms. I love being with him. I never knew his ex wife cheated on him, at least I didn't know that many times. Something about Liz, just annoys me. Maybe even more than Aj. Speaking of Aj, John told me, that she and Dolph are having relationship problems. I look over at John and smile. But then I'm cut out of my thoughts because of loud banging on the bedroom door. I look back at John and now he's wide awake. I was about to get up and open the door but John brung me back down. He got up and locked the door, then jumped on the bed next to me. He showed his dimples by smiling. My heart melted, I think I love this man. He then brought me closer to his body and brushed his lips over mine. I closed my eyes an waited for him to kiss me. But he moved away and kissed my cheek instead. He chuckled and was about to actually kiss me, but Liz started banging on the door and screaming "WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN THERE!" So he got up and opened the door.

John's POV

I was about to respond to Liz but someone was calling me. I went over to my phone and looked at the caller id. It was Aj. I answered the phone.

Phone call

J: Hello? A: *crying* John I need your help. J: Aj what's wrong? A: Dolph broke up with me. A: Can you meet me at my hotel room? J: I'm getting ready right now, i'll be there in five minutes.

End of Conversation

(Still) John's POV

I walked over to Aj's room and knocked on the door. She quickly came and opened the door, with makeup smeared all over her face. She must have been crying. She let me in and I sat at a table. She sat down across from me and told me the whole story. I grabbed her hand from across the table to comfort her.

The story (Aj's the one talking)

I woke up and Dolph wasn't there. After I walked around for a while, I saw him talking to Alicia Fox about breaking up with me for her. So I packed my things and got a different hotel room.

End of Aj's story

John's POV

Aj got up from the table and ran to her room with tears in her eyes. I walked over to her and saw she was sitting on her bed. I sat behind her and wrapped my arms around her. She turned around and sat on my lap. I got lost in her eyes and she got lost in mine. She looked at my lips and started leaning in, but I stopped her. "Aj, you just got out of a relationship." "I know, but John we can be an amazing couple."Maybe in the future, i'll talk to you later, Aj."

(Still) John's POV

I rushed out of her hotel room and ran back to mine.

3 hours before (what actually happened when Aj and Dolph broke up)

A: Dolph we need to talk. D: Anything for you babe. A: Umm about that, I think we should see other people.

Aj ran to her new hotel room and put on some makeup. Afterwards she splashed water all over her face, while thinking of what she would tell John (her fake story) When everything was thought out she called John and executed her plan.

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