Phone Call

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Johns POV

Thoughts rushing to my mind. How do I end this in a nice way. I excuse myself from the room quietly, and head into the first room I see. Looking back, I see Lexi starring angrily at me. Man if looks could kill I'd be buried ten feet under. After closing the door I plop down on the bed. Holding the phone up to my ear I hear Aj's light voice calling out my name questioningly.

"Hey, yea Aj I'm right here. Sorry I took so long, I uhh...went to go get my charger, so my phone wouldn't die while I was talking to you."

"Oh, it's perfectly fine, it's better that you got the charger instead of your phone dying in the middle of a sentence. I would have thought you'd hung up on me, and I'd be confused and end up getting mad at you and...I'm rambling on. Shoot I told myself I would stop doing that. I'm such a screw up."

"No, you're not Aj. Don't bring yourself down. Now what were you going to tell me?"

"John you're so sweet. OH yea, the reason I called you. At the hospital, I was the first person to see you wake up, and then not even a few minutes afterward we're kissing. Don't you think, maybe, just maybe that's a sign. A sign saying that we should be together.. I know I should have said all this in person. Over coffee or something. But I was a little scared to see your reaction to me telling you all of this. So what do you say? Do you think we should be together?"

Surprised by Aj's question, John jumps off the bed and starts to pace around the room. He was supposed to end this little thing he had going on with Aj. So why wasn't he? Trying to find his voice, John stutters a few of his words. Clearing his throat John starts to talk again.

"I umm I think this is a little to much to handle right now Aj. I'll think about what I want and then we can talk face to face about me starting a relationship with you, ok?"

Hearing Aj squeak out an ok in response brought a smile to johns' face. They both say their goodbyes, and hang up the phone. John sits back onto the bed and groans. Everything way to overwhelming for him at the moment. John then decides to turn in for the night. Getting under the covers and closing his eyes, soon in a deep sleep.

Lexi's POV

Lexi is wide awake, due to overhearing the last part to John and Aj's conversation. After all of the nice comments and sweet kisses, john's just going to stop it, for Aj?  How is that supposed to make someone feel? Lexi sits back onto the couch, as tears stream down her face.

Authors Note

Hey I'm finally picking up where I left off with the story. Sorry this is such a short chapter. Hope you enjoyed it anyways.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2014 ⏰

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