Damsels in distress

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AFTER STARING AT SEAN'S FACE FOR A GOOD MINUTE OR TWO, I did the most unexpected thing. I started laughing. Sean merely stared at me in shock, probably wondering if the fainting fit had done some kind of major damage to my head.

"Well the doctor did say you were fine...I wonder if he would reevaluate his report if he heard you." He muttered. He bit on his lip as though he was contemplating calling the nurse. This just sent me into a worse fit of laughter.

I didn't blame him for thinking along those lines. However I just couldn't help myself from laughing, as his words had triggered an image of a perfect damsel in distress saved by a young hero of the Victorian era in my mind.

Once my laughter had subsided, I let out an audible sigh and once again looked up at the boy standing alongside the bedpost.

"Okay, 'hero'"  I grinned at this, "Would you mind enlightening me on what exactly the monster you saved me from looked like?" It wasn't  everyday one gets an opportunity to be saved by the oh-so-great Sean, was it? Who was I to forego the opportunity to milk this moment?

"You." Sean said, looking straight into my eyes, his eyes betraying no emotion.

It suddenly felt as though time had slowed. He had no idea how right he was when he had said those words, I suddenly realized as his face broke into a playful expression. If I needed saving, it was only from myself and no one else. Every nightmare I had seen was only the result of my mind playing tricks on me. The dreams were simply the products of my imagination.

Composing my expression into one of cool pleasantness, I began to speak once again.

"Yeah, absolutely... I'm-" But before I could complete my sentence, the door opened, and my mother hurried inside.

"Oh dear! are you all right? You fainted in the middle of the road! I have been telling you for years that you need more nutrition. You need to eat more! I remember when-"

"Mom, please..." I sighed in exasperation, tilting my head in the direction of Sean.

"I apologize...uh, Seth was it?" She said furrowing her brows in an attempt to recall Sean's name. "No, wait a minute! It was Sam! Yes it definitely was Sam!" I leaned backwards into the pillow as I  took in the highly entertaining scene before me.

" Ma'am, I'm Sean." Sean said a little hesitantly. The wide smile on my mother's face seemed to dim a little at his words. He shot a desperate glance at me as he said the next words. "The person who brought your daughter to the hospital."

So that was how he had saved me. Monsters and damsels in distress? My imagination seemed to be running a little too wild these days.

"So, Sean" My mother began " I would like to thank you for saving my daughter-"

I groaned and rolled my eyes at this. Did everyone have to say the same lines over-and-over again? Casting a glare at me she continued.

" So what I wanted to say earlier was, I apologize for the rude interruption here. You see, over protectiveness is in the nature of every parent." My mother said while looking at Sean. 

Before he could politely brush aside her apologies, she continued her monologue.

"I don't expect you to agree with me on this you'll understand only once you have a child of your own" Sean's face had turned pink by now. Looking at it I had to try very hard to stifle the laugh threatening to burst out of my lips.

"Thank you for getting me here, but could you please give us some privacy now? " I said in order to relieve the poor boy of his embarrassment.

In a jiffy, the boy was out of the room and already closing the door behind him. I was also pretty sure that I hadn't imagined the sigh leaving him as he was doing so.

Taking a seat at the foot of my bed, my mother began to take my pulse.

"So tell me about your fit Less" She muttered in a detached tone, trying not to make eye contact with me.

"Mom I'm fine" I replied, already feeling a headache overcoming me.

"Lessie, I'm your mom, you can tell me anything" She said "I can tell when something is wrong "

"Are you facing any problems?" She urged, taking my silence as a cue to continue.

"No mother, I am not having any problems! Haven't you heard what the doctor said? He specifically mentioned in my report that a fainting fit was nothing to be worried about. Do you have so much belief in your 'intuition ' that you have stopped believing the person who is actually qualified to treat me? " I screamed out in frustration. I had never told her about the recurring nightmares. The nightmares were my problem. I couldn't let someone else get worried about them for me.

Also, talking about them made me see the sheer gravity of the situation.

"Dear," My mom huffed a sigh "I know. I know about the nightmares." She finally said in a tired voice.


Hello people of the world!

This chapter is dedicated to bluesparkles26 'cause she is one hell of a friend and is the real reason this book has such an AMAZING cover!! 

Yes, I know that this has been updated after a long time. However, I keep getting the feeling that I'm talking (or writing) to the walls. So please vote and comment, we authors also need a little motivation now and then!

On a much nicer note, I'm back! Surprisingly enough, my creative side comes to play only once my tests begin to come closer ;) Not the best strategy for my academics, but oh well, at least I'm writing...

So what do you think of Sean? I think I'm already in love with the guy

If any of you have any ideas I would love to hear it!

See ya later peeps! Hope you keep reading. Don't forget to leave a comment!


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