Romeo-Rapunzel beginning

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The nightmare was a metaphorical black hole. It sucked all my happiness and hopes away. The hope that had emerged when I had seen green eyes. The hope that I might find out the truth. I had assumed that the nightmares needed saving.

I was wrong. 

The remainder of the night consisted of various changes in positions, the creaks of the bed and occasional taps on the window.

Just as my eyelids had begun to droop a slight sound startled me. Groaning and moaning I turned over and tried to block out the sound. This wasn't enough to deter the sounds as they kept coming in quick successions. I finally stood up and strode over to the window in my sleep induced state.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and squinted in order to make out the figure outside the window. A slightly hooded, smiling figure greeted me.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel let down your hair!" The voice wafted upwards. I simply furrowed my brows and wondered if this was another twisted version of my nightmares.

"Ugh...Go back home Romeo" I muttered pressing my fingers to my temple as I felt a headache build up. 

The figure below broke into a soft chortle. "Well-well, look who's got her fairytales mixed up. It's Romeo-Juliet sweetheart, not Romeo Rapunzel." I could hear  the the smirk in his voice.

My sleep ridden brain vaguely registered the words and recognised them as Sean's. Not like it was a particularly difficult process since I wasn't the most social person out there. Sean was practically the only boy I had had a full, albeit an awkward, conversation with.

I let out a breath as I realised he wasn't going anywhere. "What do you want Sean?"

He shifted a little in his position and gave me an awkward wave."Like I said earlier; Let down your hair, Rapunzel."

"You should know I'm not a morning person"I rephrased myself after looking over at the clock "-Or a midnight one"

By now I had come to recognize another trait in the enigma Sean actually was. Enigma. No other word could fully describe him better than this. After all, what sane person would voluntarily suffer my shifts in mood?

Keeping the sacrifices he was making in mind, I walked downstairs towards the front door stopping only to write a quick note and grab a jacket.

I hoped the midnight rendez-vous would give me a few moments to breathe freely and forget my problems. 

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