Romeo-Rapunzel adventures

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A bespectacled woman peered down at me and inspected me with distasteful eyes. After spending a couple of minutes jotting down notes on a brown clipboard, she began to circle me. Like a predator circling its prey before the pounce. I finally understood what the prey must feel like. Small, weak and helpless.


Finally she came to a stop in front of me, picked the clipboard up and smiled down at me. It wasn't the kind of smile a mother gives to a child when he says he is scared. A smile conveying comfort. No. This smile was the opposite. It was the sinister smile the villain offered to the victim before he killed him. It was a smile full of malice. 

Three sudden knocks came at the door. The woman's brown eyes widened and she hurriedly grabbed a couple of papers from the table. In her haste, she tipped the clipboard forward giving me access to its contents. 'Need of Host. Emotion. Soul'


Were the notes based on me? So was I simply a subject to the woman? A thing?Thoroughly intrigued by the new possibilities coursing through my head upon reading the words, I snapped my head up to ask the woman a couple of questions. 


I have always been a docile, calm and composed sort of a person. But the incessant jabs were enough to make the sanest person lose his head. I was done with the annoying intruder. I flung my arms around in the hopes of hitting the person. No one messed with my dreams! Especially not some invisible little-

"Ow!" The woman's hazy face I'd been taking a good look at slowly melted away into Sean's annoyed one.

"Was hitting me necessary?" He muttered as he lightly rubbed his shoulder. 

I simply stared at him in surprise. Was that another nightmare?That was the third in the week. Too lost in my thoughts, it was his next words that brought me back to the present.

"And we're here!" Sean's eyes shown with the excitement of a three year old. His dark hair seemed to glow in the moonlight. The small glimpses of the smart mouthed and shy boy I'd seen earlier had simply vanished into thin air. Before me stood a person who looked like he was experiencing joy for the first time. A person with the innocence of a child .

I felt my stomach churn. It was ironic how my brain had suddenly decided to point out the obvious. Sean wasn't the worst looking guy out there. And I was out with him. Out at midnight with a guy. The possibilities were endless.

Pushing the fruitless thoughts aside I turned my head in the direction of the cause behind the boy in question's fascination.

A junkyard. How romantic my inner voice piped sarcastically.

The 'place' as Sean had so eloquently put, was simply a hill of scrap. Correction; hills of scrap.

Sean's fascination with the place was the only thing stopping me from screaming my head off. 

"Aren't you coming?" Sean said, suddenly pausing in his tracks and turning to look at me. I sucked my lips in and tried to find less harsh words to explain my dilemma.

"I uh, just need to go-" I mumbled with my fingers crossed and head pointedly downwards.

I was greeted with a chuckle.

"Honey, we aren't going to the scrapyard. There's another place." I let out an audible sigh of relief upon hearing this. Looks like I would survive another day.


"Your face! Did you honestly..." Sean's voice faded into the background as a sudden thought struck me.

Three nightmares in a week was not normal. But three nightmares which weren't connected? That was the height of abnormality. 

I cut into Sean's monologue.

"What happened earlier? Did I faint? Pass out?" I asked creasing my brows. Wasn't I supposed to faint while witnessing a nightmare? How did I get to the junkyard anyway?

"Huh?" Sean replied, looking equally confused. "Faint? You just seemed to be in your own world. I mean, you did walk all the way here without a word, so I'm assuming you were in your own world."

A sudden jolt went through me and a puzzle piece settled into its place.

Three nightmares. The abnormal happenings.

All of these took place right after meeting Sean.

...Sean wasn't responsible for the change, was he?



Honestly speaking, this update was completely unplanned. I wasn't going to update this week at all. But then after looking at the comments I decided to put it up. A huge virtual hug to all the readers here! It's your comments that keep me writing!

So keep them coming!

-Do you think Sean is responsible?

-Has anyone experienced a 'inner voice' like Elsie's? (I know I have...)


You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2016 ⏰

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