Roses Are Red

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"(Name)-chan.~ Pay attention to me! You promised you'd feed me again.~" You heard Osomatsu whine, shoving his bowl of food in your hand.

"Oi! Can't you feed yourself?" You sighed, putting down your own bowl.

"But it's more fun when (Name)-chan does it!" He gave you his trademark grin.

You sighed, unable to refuse him. Picking up the utensil you began spooning food into his mouth. His brothers watched as he was being spoiled by you again.

"Tch, what an attention-seeker." Choromatsu snuffed.

"How unmanly!" Karamatsu shook his head.

Ichimatsu nodded, surprisingly agreeing with Karamatsu for once.

"Hey! Stop being rude like that to your oldest brother." You scolded each of them.

"But it's true, (Name). He's only acting out like this because you're here." Todomatsu pouted.

"Heh, it's not my fault you're all so jealous!" Osomatsu stuck out his tongue.

They all sighed and turned away to ignore Osomatsu, absorbed in their own chattering.

"See, (Name)? Look at the way they treat me." He huffed, opening his mouth for another bite.

"I wouldn't blame them sometimes." You teased, placing another spoonful in his mouth.

"Whatever!" He threw up his hands and rolled over into your lap.

It appeared he got bored of being fed by you, so instead he stared as you started to eat your own food.

"W-What?" You questioned, beginning to feel self-conscious.

"It's nothing," he blinked, "you just look cute while you're eating (Name)."

You blushed, trying to hide your face behind your bowl. A smile spread across his features as he seemed pleased with your reaction. He drew his arms around your waist to hug you.

"H-Hey! Don't do that all of a sudden!" You attempted to pry off his fingers.

"Sorry (Name)-chan! I just got soo lonely." He laughed.

"Eh?! But I'm sitting right here."

"I know but," he murmured, "it still hurts."


"Er, it's nothing (Name)!" He suddenly sat up, brushing his finger under his nose.

He laughed awkwardly and left you to join his brothers in whatever conversation they were having. You looked down at your food, which was beginning to grow cold, and left to ponder on what he meant.

Osomatsu x Reader x KaramatsuWhere stories live. Discover now