And So Is Your Head

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Harsh rays of sunlight were on your face as you forced the curtains shut. Last night was a blur as you vaguely recalled playing drinking games with the Matsu brothers and crashing until dawn.

'What time is it..?' You thought sleepily.

You rolled over to find Osomatsu in the futon with you, his arm draped over you. Surprised, you forced him off of you and toppled out.

"Oi.. Can't you be a bit quieter, (Name)?" His groggy voice was heard, one of his eyes barely open.

"W-What are you doing here?" You demanded, pulling the blankets around yourself.

"Relax... I just wanted to make sure you got to sleep okay." He rubbed his eyes before sitting up.

His hair stood up in the back while his face screamed of fatigue. You wondered just how long he had been up.

"T-Thanks, I guess." You mumbled, trying to conceal the blush on your face.

"Mhm." He replied, drawing you closer to him.

You didn't bother to oppose him this time as you rested against his chest. His breathing steadied while his arms found themselves around your waist.



"I love you."

Your eyes snapped up immediately to meet his. His trademark grin lit up his features as he slapped you on the forehead.

"Kidding!~ As if you could ever love a NEET like me!" He laughed loudly.

"But -"

"Ah, but I think I could do something to change that.~" His voice got low as he leaned next to your ear.

"Osomatsu ー"

You were cut off with a gasp as he swooped you up with a kiss. Your eyes grew wide as you laced your hands around his shoulders. Once you both separated, he cupped his hands on your cheeks.

"O-Osomatsu, you didn't have to.." Your voice trailed off.

"Why not? I care about you (Name)."

He pecked you on the forehead. It was all to keep you from melting right there. Tears grew at the corners of your eyes before your brushed them away quickly.

"Hey! I-I don't need you crying over me." He patted your back, becoming flustered.

"It's just that...I care about you too, Osomatsu." You smiled at him.

He hugged you tightly, kissing the sides of the your neck.

"Maybe with you, I'm more than just a NEET after all." He said quietly.

"Maybe so." You smiled, watching as the last of the morning rays of sunlight vanished away.

Osomatsu x Reader x KaramatsuWhere stories live. Discover now