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Zayn's P.O.V.

"No, we can't kill any more people!"

I yelled at Harry, raising my voice above the sound of raindrops crashing on the car roof. His dark green orbs had changed colour during the evening, making him look so scary even his chocolate brown curls couldn't make up for it. The sky was even darker then the dustiest corners of my soul. The loud thunder made it impossible to speak on a normal tone, our yelling making the scene even more macabre. My face was just as flustered as Harry's. His eyes were bloodshot, filled with nothing but hunger.

"Zayn, I'm thirsty."

He growled, his bottom lip slightly lifted, exposing his pearly white fangs.

"Then fight it."

I ordered, not wanting to give in. We'd already killed three teenagers. Two girls and one boy. I could still see their petrified faces as if they were very well alive and breathing, standing next to me.

"We're vampires."

Louis spat, inching closer as he sat the v-word. It was crazy what the thirst did to them. His gorgeous smile, the twinkle in his blue eyes, his high pitched voice. It all disappeared, as if it were never even there.

"Liam, Niall, help me."

I begged, desperate to protect the lads from themselves. They'd regret everything they said tonight in the morning. Liam sighed, his eyes still on the road.

We were driving back to Harry and Louis' flat to spend the night. Liam was driving, Niall sitting shotgun. That left me in the back babysitting Louis and Harry.

"One more, Li. One more."

Harry pleaded, flashing the stubborn boy his cheeky smile. Louis nodded vigorously, clearly agreeing with the idea. I noticed Liam getting annoyed, as he let out a frustrated sigh.

"I promise. One last time."

The older lad begged, his hands resting on Liam's shoulders.


He gritted through his teeth, as he clutched the steering wheel, almost breaking it.



As the three simple words left his mouth, he lost his patience. And when he lost his patience, we lost control.

A loud bump filled the air and the car stopped abruptly. The two thirsty lads grabbed their chance, opening the door and running out. I groaned loudly, my gaze fixed on a motionless Liam who was still staring out of the front window.

As a lighting bolt lit up the abandoned street, I noticed the boys were huddled over something that laid on the asphalt.

"Guys, they found something."

I whispered more to myself while crawling out of the black van. I somehow managed to pull Niall with me, dragging him towards the reckless boys. As we got closer, I held my breath.

I could vaguely see the features of a young lad. He was spread out on the dirty asphalt, covered by Harry and Louis.

"Niall, make them back off."

I ordered, my voice trembling in pain. It hurt to see the boy like this. He seemed quite young, fifteen,  sixteen maybe.

Niall pushed them of off his body, an angry expression taking over his angelic face. He literally ripped their fangs out of the young boy's thin neck. They growled, but he launched himself on him, protecting him with his own body.

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