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Brave slowly forced his eyes open, when he felt something cold pressed to his side, immediately pained by the bright light. His vision was blurred, rdizziness taking over his mind.

He grunted, trying to lean away from the touch.

"Shh, calm down, Brave. I'm just taking care of your wounds, okay?"

The voice seemed somewhat familiar, though it normally sounded a lot harsher. Now worry seeped through the deep voice, that unmistakably belonged to Harry.

He tried to focus his eyes on something, settling on the elder's green irises. They seemed a lot softer now they were clouded with a strange variation of adoration.

"This is going to sting a little."

Harry announced, before pressing some more ice on a bruise on Brave's arm.


Brave tried to say something, his face scrunching up as he did so. The pain in his throat was unbearable.

"You're only gonna make it worse like this."

The curly haired lad warned him, stroking his cheek. His hands then traveled a bit downwards, to the hem of his shirt.

Brave's eyes widened, as realisation hit upon him. He forgot about the pain and started trashing around, desperately trying to escape Harry's long fingers.

"Stop, please just stop."

Harry pleaded, his emerald eyes wide open. He tried to pry Brave's arms down, but only ended up hurting him even more.

The younger boy whimpered, but didn't give up. There was no way he was letting Harry see that.

Harry realised there was nothing he could do besides letting him go. But it was too late already, Brave was slipping through his fingers.

The eldest sighed as he blacked out once again.


When Brave woke up again, he found himself alone in his room.

No one to look after him, no note, no nothing.

With a sigh, he pushed himself up, immediately regretting it when pain shot through his body.

A whimper escaped his lips as he let himself fall down on the bed. He looked at the door, half expecting one of the boys to burst through it.

Of course, one of them must of heard it. For god's sake, he was sure that all of them had heard it.

They just decided to ignore him, that's all.

Everything he had wanted to avoid had happened.

It was only a matter of time before they threw him out of the house. They'd forget about him and move on with their lives.

So much for getting helped.

This was it.

He'd give them one last chance.

And if they gave up on him, he'd give up on himself too.


An hour later, Brave finally found the strength to get up and make it out of his room. He'd been dreading the moment he went downstairs.

What if they threw him out now?

He took a deep breath before opening the door to the living room. No one even spared him a glance, when he limped inside.

"Thanks for helping out at my house, Harry."

He muttered, receiving nothing but an eye roll from the curly haired lad.

"Did you happen to bring any clothes? My violin perhaps?"

This caught the boys' attention. Zayn stepped towards him, hoovering over the Brave, who was shorter.

"Is that what was in that old box? You should check the garbage."

This made them snicker and Brave whimpered.

Sem. His dear Sempiternal. She was his everything. His one and only love.

"Guess what? We brought you even more."

He snapped, grabbing some papers that laid on the table. With a laugh that could only be described as sadistic, he threw the papers in the air.

Soon, the air was filled with thin, paper sheets that were filled with the most unholy words.

Brave recognised them. He'd spend hours alone in his room in the middle of the night, scribbling things on them.


Zayn spat, his shoulder bumping against Brave's as he walked to the door, muttering a let's go, guys under his breath.

Brave fell against the wall, trying to steady himself while the other boys walked past him.

Once he heard the front door fall in the lock, his knees buckled and he slid down the wall.

An endless stream of tears ran down his bruised cheeks, staining the sheets that surrounded him. They were spread out on the floor, like a blanket of snow.

They were definitely just as cold.

Despite his blurry vision, he managed to read some of the things he'd written down only days before. He just wrote the same sentence over and over again, until the whole page was filled.

I hate myself.

I'm not okay.

I'm disgusting.

There were so many of them, but one particular sheet caught his eye. The one he'd written on the night the boys found him.

I wish I was dead.

Zayn was right.

He was pathetic.

No matter how hard he'd tried to hide it from them, they had found out anyway.

Brave really was pathetic.


Liam opened the front door once again and as they entered their house, the smiles finally faded from their faces.

A wicked grin took Louis's face over when the smell of blood teased their nostrils.

They found Brave fast asleep in the leaving room, his body resting against the wall Zayn had shoved him against hours prior.

The smell came from the dark patch on Brave's shirt, it was actually Harry's, but it didn't seem like he'd be able to wear it again.

Harry turned away, trying to shut out what was about to happen next. He could still see it at the corners of his eyes though.

Louis lazily kicked Brave's side, muttering an get up, lazy ass.

As soon as the seven year younger boy opened his eyes, he grabbed his dark wavy locks, dragging him to the couch.

Harry ran to his room, trying to ignore the noises coming from the living room.

But no matter what he did, he could still hear Brave's piercing screams.

He wanted to get rid of that teenager, but this wasn't what he wanted at all.


Back after a few months of hiatus! I wrote this like half a year ago, so sorry if it's even worse than Disasterology!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jan 26, 2014 ⏰

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