Zayn's P.O.V.

"What's wrong with him? W-who did that?"

Niall croaked out. His ocean blue eyes were filled with terror and disbelief.

I just kept silent, my gaze wandering up and down his body.

There were so many.

"We have to take care of him."

The blond boy insisted, his expression one made out of pure desperation.

My eyes landed on a tattoo, just above his waist.

'I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.'

What did it mean? Where did such a melancholic words come from?

"I found something."

Liam said, as he bursted through the door, snapping me out of my thoughts.

His arms were filled with some boxes, bandages and medicine.

"The neighbours gave it to me."

He explained with a shrug, before making his way towards me. He gasped at the sight of the young boy's body and his lack of words told me enough.

None of us saw this coming.

"Just give me the bandages, okay?"

I pleaded, wanting to get over with this as soon as possible. He nodded sternly and dropped everything on the table the boy was laying on.

I started of by cleaning his wounds, then cleansed them and finished of by putting a bandage over them.

"We should let him rest  now." 

Liam said.

"Yeah, but where? What if Harry and Lou find him?"

I asked, rubbing my face with my hands.

"Let him sleep in my room."

Niall offered.

"It has a kingsize bed and it's the furthest away from their rooms."

I nodded in agreement, as I picked the boy up and carried him upstairs.

"Oh, and I'll give him one of my shirts too, since I'm the smallest."

The Irish man said, before digging in his closet to find something.

"Here ya go."

He whispered, as he pulled it over the boy's head, careful not to wake him up. He then laid him on the bed and tucked him in.

The boy stirred a little in his sleep, but his eyes didn't open.

I threw one last glance at the two lads, before filing out of the room. I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed myself, my mind not once leaving them.


I sighed deeply, refusing to open my eyes, as I came back to senses. Everything that happened last night flood back, including the things I'd rather forget. Somewhere outside, a bird was chirping happily, so it must be morning. Well, it's at least five am, but the chances of me waking up at such an ungodly hour were quite slim.

At probably nine or ten o'clock, I lifted myself of of the bed utterly slowly. My mind was still half asleep and so was my body. I paused for a moment, deciding where I'd go to first, eventually settling with paying Niall's room a visit.

A thump filled the morning air after my fist had made contact with the door, only to get silence in response. I cautiously peeped through the door frame, seeing nothing but an empty room.

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