Louis asked him not to speak, so he didn't.

No matter what I said or did, he didn't respond. He heard me, he must've heard me.

I tried everything.

He didn't eat, he didn't move, he didn't speak.

For god's sake, I didn't even know his name.

He just sat there and stared. His golden eyes were dull and bloodshot, his never ending gaze giving me shivers.

Good shivers though.

The both of us sat there at the kitchen table, motionless, tired, speechless, for what seemed like hours.

One of the lads often walked in and out, just to check how things were going, or if they were hungry.

Until I heard Liam's whispering in the other room. It was only a faint sound, muffled by the walls, yet I knew for sure it was meant for me.

Vampire hearing does miracles.

"If he doesn't speak before dawn, we'll send him away."

His voice was cold and practical, as if he wasn't just deciding a boy's life.

I sighed, closing my eyes in the process. The boy must've noticed, 'cause when I re-opened them, he was looking at his lap with a look that could've been described as ashamed.

"Look, here's the deal. If you don't say anything within-"

I paused to check the time.

"Half an hour, they'll send you out of the house. You'll never hear from us again."

He looked up from his lap, making me able to gaze into his eyes again. They were glassy, as if there was a thin layer that protected him from this world. Maybe that was the reason he didn't answer? But as soon as I looked past that, as soon as I let myself drown in the sea of gold, I entered a new world. It wasn't a better one. It was just different. It yelled words at me that begged, pleaded to be heard. It was so, desperate.

Desperate, hopeless, powerless and utterly sad.

He closed his eyes for a second, as if to decide whether he should speak or not. When he opened them again, something changed. He was hesitating.

What was it that he was so desperate to get away from? Something that made running away to a place like this appealing.

Yet there was something just as overwhelming and scary that kept him from opening his mouth.


I pleaded, 'cause I was just as desperate as him. I just wanted to help someone, instead of killing them.

A sigh left my lips as the lads walked in, all of them taking seats around me.

Harry looked at his watch impatiently, though he would've been relieved when the boy ran out of time.

"It's now or never."

Niall said and Louis nodded in agreement. Another person that would rather see him leave.

The boy closed his eyes again and took a deep breath, before re-opening them in a painfully slow matter. His lips parted a little and I leaned closer, ready to hear whatever he wanted to say.

"I'm Brave."

As soon as the words left his lips, the corners of my mouth twitched. I didn't even realise what he said. Harry however, thought it was necessary to snap something back.

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