Zayn's P.O.V.

I climbed the stairs, rubbing my eyes tiredly. Louis was already on his way to the airport to pick up 'the one and only future Mrs. Tomlinson' and Liam was out grocery shopping, so they woke me up to look after the youngest lads.

Do they really need a babysitter? You might ask.

Yes they do.

All three of them.

I softly knocked on the door that had Niall's name on it. It even had a shamrock at the bottom of the last L.

Since no one answered, I opened it. Niall and Brave were fast asleep on the bed, Brave safely wrapped in the older boy's arms. My eyes then roamed around the room, searching for a mop of curls. Harry was sleeping on the floor, his back rested against the wall. He must've fallen asleep during his shift.

It was quite a sad sight, so I walked over to him and picked him up bridal style. I sighed at how light he was, making my way over to the bed. He stirred a little, but didn't wake up. The bed dipped when I laid him under the blankets. Brave noticed and scooted a bit closer to Harry, who wrapped an arm around him.

I smiled at them. If only they acted like this when they were awake. I honestly have no idea why Harry treats Brave like this, but I don't like it one bit. He'll probably make a fuss when he wakes up.

That're problems for later.

I made my way to the kitchen, thinking of what I could make for breakfast. Normally, Harry or Liam made breakfast. I'm always fast asleep and Niall is horrible at cooking. I don't know why Louis never does it though.

I eventually settled with an omelet, bacon and some toast. If they didn't like it, they had to make their own breakfast. 

Around me, the world slowly started to wake up. The streets got crowded, the sound of car honks breaking the silence. I cracked the eggs in a pan, peacefully humming something.

After living in the city centre for so long, he got used to the noise. The traffic, arguing people, street musicians, a yelp, pigeons whi-

Wait, a yelp?!

I dropped the eggshells, running up the stairs. It didn't sound like Niall or Harry, so it must've been Brave. I burst through the door, only to find him curled up in a ball, pressed against the headrest of the bed.

He had a pleading looking his eyes, his bottom lip slightly quivering. His hair was sticking up in all directions, making it look even messier than yesterday.

I gave him a questioning look, indicating for him to tell me what happened. There seemed to be no signs of danger.

He stretched out his arms like a kid wanting to be picked up, in response. He looked absolutely adorable, his golden orbs clouded by tears. They didn't fall though.

I leaned over Niall, lifting Brave off of the bed. However, as soon as he was out of the sleeping boys' reach, he tried to crawl out of my arms.

He was clearly afraid of me.

I let out a sigh, eyeing him sadly. He was gonna have to stay with me anyway. Scared or not.

Brave was swaying on his feet, still weak because of the blood loss, and his trembling didn't help either. A loud thud filled the morning air, when his knees buckled. He let out a quiet yelp, forcing his eyes close. Yet, as I rushed towards him, he crawled away.

"Watch out! You'll hurt yourself."

I warned, running behind him. I was about to lift him up again, when the doorbell rang. I turned around abruptly and Brave took his chance to get away.

Speak up Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora