"Somebody, do something."

Niall yelped, as I stumbled back. Black spots danced before my eyes, even though I was stronger than I had been in weeks. Before, I just didn't have the heart to kill anymore, so I drank whatever was left of the lads' victims.

The blond boy shook Brave's shoulders in a desperate attempt to wake him up. He now had dark circles underneath his eyes and his skin was even paler than before.


Niall cried out in frustration. The older lad just stood there, not caring about the life of a stranger. Brave was just another victim to him.

"For fuck's sake, if you don't help me right now, I'm never talking to you again. That counts for all of you."

He continued, his blues boring holes in us, tearing us apart in his mind. I finally scooted forward, freed of my daze.

"C-cover the wound in his neck with something... That towel."

Harry rolled his eyes at me, while walking towards the couch, taking his time. Liam, on the other hand, decided to be helpful. He made his way -at a faster pace than Harry- to the kitchen to get the first aid kit.

My hands were shaking as I pressed the stained cloth against Brave's neck. To be honest, I didn't even want him to wake up. Not after what I'd done.

His loud screams still rang through my ears.

His golden eyes shot open, his gasps tearing me from my thoughts. His hands ran down his own arms, scratching and ripping his own skin of.

"I-I'm sorry-S-sorry-I-"

His voice was rough, almost inaudible. Niall shook his shoulders again, trying to pry the boy's fingers away to prevent him from hurting himself.

"Brave, calm down! You've got nothing to be sorry about. What is he doing?"

The blond lad cried out, helplessly eyeing the tears rolling from Brave's dull-looking eyes.

"He's asleep, Ni. Just try to calm him down."

Louis advised. He looked rather worried and wanted the damn boy to stop freaking out for Niall's sake.

"Come here."

I whispered, gently pushing Niall down on the couch, who's arms immediately embraced the younger's frame. He rubbed Brave's arms soothingly, still holding them in his grip, while I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Shhh, go back to sleep. Everything's fine. Everything's okay. Just close your eyes."

Niall breathed on a soft tone and even though Brave couldn't've understood what he said, I'm sure he relaxed when he heard his voice. Why, however, was something I longed to find out. He barely knew Niall after all.

To our relief, Brave did close his eyes. Even though I could gaze in those golden orbs for ages, I rather saw them close now.

The blond lad next to me sighed, releasing his grip from the boy's arms and clutching them to his chest. He, too, closed his eyes.

"What was that?"

Liam spoke, being the first one to break the silence. I sank to my knees, burying my face in my hands.

"I don't know."

I whispered, still eyeing the floor.

"But I'm gonna find out."


"Don't worry, Ni."

I cooed the younger boy next to me, gently rubbing his arm. Though his muscles relaxed under my touch, his worried expression stayed.

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