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… if you’re Tobi.

1) Call him Deidei <3

2) Tell him how AWESOME Sasuke is in your opinion.

3) Tell him how even more awesome and supercool Itachi is in your opinion.

4) Shout, “Tobi is a good boy!” again and again and again and again and again.

5) Tell him that he's the most beautiful woman you've ever seen!

6) When Deidara lets explode some of his clay, say, “Whoa, Senpai, THAT sure was a loud fart!”

7) Plait his hair while he’s asleep and add a cute pink ribbon ^^

8) Glomp him <3

9) Eat some yummy icecream while he’s busy trying to catch a Jinchuriki.

10) Once he caught the Jinchuriki, brag about how you caught this Jinchuriki all by yourself.

11) When he’s going to kill you because of your bragging, ask him if he wants some yummy icecream, too, so he could cool down a bit.

12) When he’s trying to choke you because of those words, start crying and run to your leader, screaming, “Pein-sama! Mean Deidei hit poor Tobi! Now Tobi has ouchie TT_TT That’s not okay! Tobi is a good boy. Deidei should be nice to Tobi!”

13) Use your Sharingan on Deidara to make him fall asleep while he’s eating some crème layer cake ^^

14) Once he wakes up, pour out a bucket of cold water above his head in order to wash the crème off his face

15) After that, you better run to your leader again, screaming for help. (And be sure to hurry! O_O )

16) Ask him if he uses lipstick only for his normal mouth, or also for the mouths on his hands.

17) Yawn when he’s talking to you. Loud and long :)

18) If yawning isn’t enough: Take out a pillow and go sleep.

19) Bake a cake for him while he’s on a mission ^^ And be sure not forget to add frosting in the shape of a heart.

20) Complain loudly about how Zetsu was a so much better senpai than Deidara.

21) Ask Deidara if you may drop the –senpai and call him Deidara-chan instead.

22) Buy a Barbie and give it to Deidara with the words, “Whoa, look, senpai! They’re selling action figures of you!”

23) Sing a song for him ^^ – How about:

Deidei-chan, and Tobi-san,

are now having so much fun!

Deidei makes a little toy

for Tobi ’cause he’s a good boy!

24) Tell him that he reminds you of a certain antique Greek statue – both have no arms =P

25) Buy a dog and name it after Deidara. Then teach the dog the basic commands: “Sit, Deidara! Now lie down! Well done. Goooood Deidara!”

26) Copy the Yamanaka’s mental transfer jutsu with your sharingan and use it on Deidara. The rest is only a question of your imagination.(*cough* dancing around in pink underwear *cough* confessing your love to Konan in front of Pein *cough* applying for ‘Konoha’s Next Top Model’ *cough* ) :D

27) Go capture Lee. Bring him to Deidara. As Deidara probably won’t be happy (because Lee’s no Jinchuriki), explain to him that you’ll use Lee as a bait. Then give Lee sake or any other sort of alcohol. Then: Run.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2013 ⏰

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