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1) Dress up as Guy, and stalk him (Bonus if u do it at night, and its very VERY dark!!!)

2) Run crying to Iruka every time Kakashi gets mad at you for any of these things, telling him that Kakashi hit you for no reason. When Kakashi tries to explain what you did, look as innocent and adorable as possible and deny everything.

3) Tie him up in a chair, and MAKE HIM WAtch as u BURN ALL his make out paradise books (Icha icha) (bonus if u find extra hidden ones!!!-burn those too!!!)

4) Pour milk on his head. (Heh heh....Moo.)

5) Ask him if he has any "Interest" in Guy, and if he tells u....call him gay.

6) Sew "I <3 Boys" on ALL his jackets.

7) Tell him u turned him in for rape, and child molestation. (Bonus if he freaks out, and u actually didn't......well at least we know what he does in his spare time! XD)

 8) Dye his hair any color, but his original. (Pink, black, yellow, purple,etc)

9)  Pour gasoline on him. then strike a match, and set him on fire!!!

10) Acuse him of stealing the sharingan from obito, and tell him he should give it back.

11) Tear out pages of his "Make out paradise" books, and either leave them around on the ground or burn them. or have naruto pee on' em.

12) When he’s out by the Memorial Stone, dress like Obito and hide behind it. Then jump out suddenly, screaming at the top of your lungs. ...There’s a good chance he’ll kill you for this one.

13)  cut ALL of his hair off.

14) After u cut his hair off give me an alternative hair piece (guy's wig, naruto, sakura, and or sasuke wigs he can wear to cover up the "fair hair" - preferably guy's

15) Tell him that Jiraiya stopped making "make out paradise" books. (bribe Jiraya to actually do it XD)

16) Dress up as Obito/Tobi/Madara and walk around town haunting him (bonus if u get the village to dress up as one of the selected!! XD

17)  Super glue GaiXKakashi pics, and others all over his wall so he has to look at them as he sleeps at  night


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