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1) Dress up as Sakura, and try to flirt with him

2) Throw water on him when he is using Fireball jutsu

3) Call him gay just because he likes to take his shirt off occasionally

4) Tell him Itachi was in his house last night w/ out him knowing

5) Constantly stare at him, and whisper his name

6) Ask him how he does his hair

7) Insult the "Uchia Clan" in front of him- WARNING!: DO NOT DO THIS UNLESS U WANNA DIE!!!!!! x;x

8) Smash a pie in his face, and run like hell

9) Dump a bowl of hot ramen on his head, and blame Naruto

10) Send Sakura and Ino love notes from him inviting them both on a date. Better yet, invite Naruto

11) Follow him around, saying "Everyone out of the way! Make way for the Emo King!"

12) Read Icha Icha Paradise out loud to him. Bonus points if you do it while he's trying to sleep.

13) Whenever he makes a mistake, say, "Foolish little brother. Why are you so weak?"

14) Dress up as Itachi, and beat the hell out of him in his sleep

15) Send Sakura in his room while he's sleeping, and tell her to watch him sleep, and take pics of him for her "Sasuke Obsession collection" (Piece of sasuke's hair, sneek peaks,used kunai by him, and secret vids of him training, etc)

16)   If you see Sasuke hiding from fangirls, tell him you'll help hide him. Then, lead him right to them.

17)  Hold his hand, hug him, and squeal about how proud you are to be his girlfriend. If you're a guy, bribe Sakura into it.

18)  Constantly remind him that Itachi is so much cooler/stronger/hotter/etc. than he is XD

19) Threaten to kill him if he attempts to kill Itachi

20) Dress up as a neko, and hide in sasukes closet, and when he comes out the shower know....jump out, and say "I LOVE U SASUKEEEE!!!!!!"

21) Mess with his computer and leave open as many SasuNaru fanfics/pictures/ect. as you can find. Also, save them in random locations on his computer so that he continually finds them after he thinks he's deleted them all. Bonus points if Naruto finds them.

22) Throw an apple at him. Pretend like you have no idea where it came from. If he turns  around again, throw another. If he yells at you and insists you did throw it, cry

23) Replace everything thats not Ramen, and replace them with Tonkotsu Ramen, and leave a note saying "This is better for you to eat, and then probably you won't look so pale/Emo~ Love Naruto :3

24) Take all his "Emo Makeup" (Eyeliner,clothes,etc) and replace it with the colors of pink~ Sakura

25) Bribe Naruto into using Sexy jutsu on him, and if you don't get the reaction u wan't then hug, and kiss him till you get it. XD

26) When he's asleep, shave his head and sell his hair on ebay.

27) Kidnapp him,and hold him for ransom in a basement with ALL HIS FANGIRLS THERE as torture

28)  Leave little sticky notes all over his house. Love notes, hate notes, gentle reminders of all the times Naruto pwned him...You know, stuff like that.

29) Leave NaruSasu books/pics on his bed, and make him look at them with Naruto

30) Leave decapitated/mangled/burnt/otherwise destroyed plushies of him all over his house. (make them bloody with ketchup or something.) Then, pin a note saying "You're Next" on his door with a knife.

31) Kick him in the nuts- then say "Now your never gonna restore your clan haha!!!" then run off

32) Tie him to a Chair then make him watch as you kill him in Naruto games (Hilarious if u use Itachi XD)

33) Tell him that you made out with Itachi last night, and show him the video over, and over

34) Tell him its not nice to rape Naruto

35) Tell him that Naruto has three other boyfriends- (Itachi, Sasuke, and Gaara)

NEXT: Sakura

"Tee-Hee this is gonna be Hilarious!!.....hehehe so vulnerable..."

Ways to Annoy Naruto characters~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz