Tag Time | The Low Budget Sequel

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Thanks for tagging me FaythFyre!

So this is the "13 Reasons Why You Should Hate Tags" Tag, at least that's what it said on Fayth's chapter. Here are the rules, my comments are in italics.

1. You have to post all the rules. K.

2. Each person has to share 13 things about themselves. Didn't I sorta kinda do this already? Oh well.

3. Answer the 13 questions asked to you, then invent 13 questions for the people tagged. That sounds fun and awkward!

4. You have to legitimately tag 13 people.

5.  You cannot say "I don't do tags" Oh come on, *nudges someone's elbow* you can trust me!

6. Tag backs are ALLOWED. I actually have a soul thank.

7. You must make an entry. So actually writing it? That was easy.

8. You have to finish this within a week.

9. Be creative with the title. I hope mine is creative.


1. Idk if it's my username or something, but some people think I'm a boy. To solve the confusion, my name is Bethany, and I am a girl child.

2. For all the stalkers out there, I live in the US.

3. My bedroom walls are green.

4. I'm always that one friend that takes the hotel soap/shampoo, but I never use it. I mainly use the bottles to hold makeup.

5. The Hunger Games inspired me to get into Archery, now I'm pretty good at it.

6. Speaking of THG, I almost made a fanfilm last year and decided not to. It was kind of like a Youtuber/HG crossover thing that I wrote a long time ago and adapted into script.

7. My favorite song (as of 1-16-2016) is Out Of The Woods by Taylor Swift. The video is so cool.

8. I saw Joy at the movie theatre, I cried three times ;-;.

9. In case you haven't noticed, UNDERTALE IS MY LIFE.

10. Every character in my story Within These Walls is and will be based on someone I know.

11. I'm really pasty in real life, and by pasty I mean pale.

12. Once when I was little, I accidentally followed someone around WalMart thinking they were my parents.

13. I've never been on a water slide, and I'm kind of afraid to go on one.

Fayth's Questions!

1. Have you ever physically punched someone? Only once in fourth grade, but in the arm.

2. Are you a feminist? I wouldn't necessarily say I'm a feminist, but I feel that both men and women are equally capable of doing things; no gender is more superior than the other.

3. What is one of the most embarrassing things that have happened to you? I had this weird habit in fifth grade where I wouldn't brush my hair, so all my yearbook photos were just *cringes*.

4. Do you live in a cold region or a humid region? Definitely a humid region, it was around 80 degrees (Fahrenheit) on Christmas.

5. Do you tend to hang out with the opposite gender, or do you scare them away? Tbh I'm not very intimidating, but my friend circle is 60% girls 40% boys.

6. Worst book you ever read? It was my first legit story I had on here called "Experiment". It is the Poot to my Demi.

7. Which one do you prefer, Harry Potter or Percy Jackson (series, not character)? Well I've only seen very little of both, but I would have to say Percy Jackson.

8. If you could control the world for a day, what would you do? Move Donald Trump somewhere, like a trash can.

9. If you had to pick between killing Annabeth or Hermione, who would you pick? Once again I've only seen very little of the two series', buuuuuuuutttttt I would have to say Annabeth. Please don't hurt me.

10. What are your OTP's? Destiel, Metapap (Mettaton x Papyrus) , and Caryl (Carol x Daryl).

11. Would you rather die young (fulfilled) or live forever (unfulfilled)? That reminds me of forever-unfulfilled, so we could like switch lives or something.

12. Do you have any weird interests? I secretly like printing things... don't judge.

13. Would you consider yourself more boyish or girlish?  I am the girliest girly girl you will ever meet, it's kind of disappointing :/

My Questions!!

1. If you could meet any Wattpader in real life, who would you meet?

2. What zodiac sign are you?

3. Are you more Sam Winchester or Dean Winchester (If you don't know look up Supernatural)?

4. Have you ever stolen something?

5. Do you think you would survive the Hunger Games?

6. Can you even?

7. Are you more of a cat person or a dog person?

8. Are we friends?

9. Can you draw well?

10. Do you have a weird hobby?

11. What is weirdest thing you have ever eaten?

12. Did you write any stories that weren't/aren't on Wattpad?

13. Have you volunteered/worked for a weird job?

I TAG....














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