You Must Be On Two Me

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"I don't know man, you was really wrong for telling her the ring wasn't important." Lau said as he twisted the cap onto Layla's sippy cup. The boys were out today with the kiddos, leaving the girls back home. They both took advantage of their alone twin time to talk about what happened between the day before. "I mean yea I was probably wrong for that but still there's got to be a way we can trick Pier out of 5 million dollars." Larry said with Leani on his lap. She was shuffling some legos between her legs on the blanket, he played with her as he and his brother talked.

Lau: Well look here bro, you just need to make it right...and another thing. Why do we need to take the 5 million. I mean since we hustled Rick last year we made bank.

L: So, your point.

Lau: Larry my point is we no need anymore money. We got plenty and with India little shop, and the guys down at the Gym we good for life. Bro I told you, we are here in Paris to take break. I don't know if you guys forgot but our kids are getting bigger okay, I no like sneaking around them doing business.

L: (shakes head) I understand, but if we just get this million we no have to do this anymore. I want to retire too but...Criminal life is all I know. It's all we know. And I don't know bout you, but 5 hundred million dollars don't sound too bad in the bank account.  

In the middle of their talk, a couple hundred meters away they were being watched, and photos were being snapped. In a silver Honda Accord, Detective Wellis and his partner Detective Johns, from the FBI, were under cover, spying on the Twins. "Make sure you get good pictures of their tattoos." Wellis said to Johns under his shades. Johns did as his colleague instructed and got clear photos of their sleeves and forearms.

Lau: Don't you want our kids to grow up better than we did? I no need my girls to be exposed to this.

L: ...

Lau: ...Look man. Lauren was in me and India room last night. And she find my gun in the drawer.

L: *gasp* What? For real?

Lau: Yes...It scared me to death. It was at that moment my heart dropped because I never thought she would be exposed to it. Thank god it wasn't loaded...(shakes head) I would've never forgive myself if it went off.

Larry watched as his brother's expression changed to sadness as he stared off into the distance of the Park. He thought about the situation and replaced his brother with himself. What if LJ were to hold that gun, or worse. Lilo. He hadn't told his brother yet about her wanting to be a criminal.

L: I'm sorry that happen. I wouldn't know what to do if something happen to my niece.

Lau: (shakes head) I know...(looks around) Larry?

L: What?

Lau: We should go.

L: Why we only be here for an hour.

Across the way Lau could see a silver Honda parked on the side street. The guy in the driver's seat looked suspicious to him with his shades. Wellis lowered his shades a little to lock eyes on Laurent who squinted his. Wellis grinned and lifted his shades back up on his face, started the car then pulled off. Laurent knew something was up. "Get the kids, lets go." he said scooping up Layla and the baby bag. Larry followed his brother and called the kids to come over, and they headed out of there.

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