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India poured her cup of coffee and fixed it according to her taste. Angie leaned against the counter with her cup up to her lips as she blew on the hot liquid. "So girl, I had a dream last night." India started as she stirred her cream and sugar into her cup. "What's up?" asked Angie.

I: I had a dream, about the first time me and Laurent met.

A: Aw my gosh. I though it was just me who dreamt of that. (smile and sip)

I: Yea. I was at that god awful club that had lousy customers too...But then I looked across the bar. And there he was. Tall brown skin with a crazy fro.

A: (giggle) Yep I remember that night, he took you home right? (raises brow)

I: Ahaha! Yes he did and it was a great night...but it wasn't just that. He rescued me from that nightlife and brought me into his world. I remember one night we were out on a date and he looked me in the eyes and told me, "Babe. No matter what you need, wherever I'm at, I got you. I may not tell you often but as long as you my girl. I got your back." -I never had to ever worry about money again. I was only a bar tender just so I could pay off my student loans. He took care of all of them.

A: Wow, that's beautiful.

I: (sips) Yea. I love him.

A: I remember when me and Larry got acquainted. I mean after him trying to attack me and shit the first time! (laughs)

I: (laughs)

A: But you know sometimes I think, what if I hadn't parked my car in the parking garage that night? He would've never came after me, I wouldn't have went to court and been responsible for Lilo, we wouldn't have been together...and he wouldn't have proposed.

I: (stares) ...

A: I don't know India I mean, I don't wish random attacks on anyone but, to be honest in the craziest way I'm glad he did it to me. Because we wouldn't be where we are. He is my heart, and he made me into a woman I never thought I could be. A down bitch, that rides for her man.

Angela and India continued to stride down memory lane. They laughed and shared a tear or two about the past two years. It was true that so much had happened and they questioned was all of it so true. By now it was past 11am and the girls were kicking it in the living room when the guys walked through the front door with the kids. Both set of twins ran towards their mothers full speed and jumped in their laps. The girls kissed and loved on them for a few seconds until they went into their rooms to play. Lilo stuck around and sat on the couch grabbing the remote.

A: Well hey Lilo.

LL: Hey mom.

Angie leaned back in a mixture of shock and confusion. "Mom. Just mom and not mommy?" Lilo kept her eyes on the screen as she flipped through channels. "Yes. Mom." Larry walked up to Angie and kissed her then spoke to Lilo. "Baby go in your room, me and mama have to talk." Lilo acted like she didn't hear him at first then he repeated himself in a more strict tone. She slid off the couch and scooted her way towards her room. Larry just shook his head and sat next to his wife.

A: Baby what is wrong with her?

L: I don't know but she is real close to a ass whoopin. Anyway I got some important shit to tell you, and I no know if you gonna like it.

In a separate room India and Laurent sat and talked as well. He discussed with her what happened at the park and his suspicion with the guy in the car.

I: So you said it looked like he was watching you guys?

Lau: Yea and plus he gave me this stupid smirk before he rolled up his window and pulled off. That's when me and Larry grabbed the kids and split before anything happen. Like I said belle, I no know what's goin on but I feel like someone keeping an eye on us. And its prolly that dude we saw today.

I: Well that's really scary and I hope not. Cus then that means we gonna have to open up shop and you guys said we were here for just vacation.

Lau: I know. But like I say, we don't know. But I just wanted to tell you so you no scared.

Laurent placed his hand on India's cheek as she smiled.

L: We no know who those guys were but it looked like they had been watching us for a while. I didn't notice but Lau did, so we left with the kids.

Larry could tell Angela was listening but she still had an ill expression on her face like she was upset about something.

L: What's wrong?

A: ...You know I'm still mad at you right?

L: Really? Some guy is probably watching our every move and you still pissed off at me right now?

A: Larry you know you were wrong!

Larry stood up quickly with his hands up in surrender and back away. The last thing he wanted was a fight so he had to sought out a way to make Angie happy again because he knew if not, then he was gonna be making up for it for a long time.

L: Listen belle...*deep sigh* Honey. I'm sorry for tell you the ring didn't matter. But you need to understand something. That ring, yes it's a symbol of our love but to me our love is more than just a ring.

A: Well Larry that is true, (stands up) but at the same time you proposed to me at a time where all the emotions in the world upheld my body at the same time. And even though you couldn't show me how much you loved me with such little time, leaving me all that money and the ring meant so much to me.

Angie began to cry and hold her head down as she wrapped her arms across her body. Larry felt crushed and made his way to her. "come here, come here. I'm sorry babe...I know I know. I love you sooo much. You know I do." She buried her face in his chest, muffling her cries. He kissed her forehead lovingly stroking her hair. Their breathing was evenly paced as they stood in the middle of the living room chest to chest.

Mentally in his head, Larry promised himself that he would never upset her again and he would never leave her side again like he had to the first time...

As long as he could help it.

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