Cell Block

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The sun rose high in the sky and beamed its rays upon the prisoners on the yard. There about 70 men ranging from big and burly lifting weights, to the small stubby ones talking smack on the basketball court. The sound of weights setting on the racks and aroma of cigarette smoke was the usual. Larry and Laurent sat on a picnic table in the shade just chilling minding their business. Lau sat on the bench part peeling back the leaves and petals of a flower he found in the yard. It was the only sight of beauty he'd seen since he and Larry been there. It was going on 5 days now and it was starting to eat at them. Larry made a deep aggravated sigh and layed back on the table.

L: I'm ready to get the fuck out of here.

Lau: ...In time bro. In time.

Shortly after a group of guys came cruising the twins' way. It was a Mexican dude named Hector Sanchez and he and his boys were up to trouble. "Aye twins!" he yelled as he got within a few feet to them. Larry immediately sat up and Lau tossed what was left of the flower, looking up at Hector. He noticed the sweat beaming off his forehead as it slid down past his tattooed tear drops.

Lau: What you want Hector?

H: I was just wondering how that scar treatin' you esse?

Some of Hector's guys chuckled behind him. Laurent lifted his hand to rub down the scar next to his eye that was still a bit tender. When Laurent and Larry got to the prison the night of their arrest, they were assigned to Cell Block 6 with the Medium-Severely dangerous Criminals. Hector and his boys just so happen to be assigned to that same Cell Block. To make a long story short, being the fact that they were new Hector took it upon himself to try them. Lau ended up with a nasty scar from a knife Hector made out of a spoon, but Lau aint nobody's bitch, so he made sure to dislocate Hector's shoulder while Larry handled his own. Now it was just a waiting game because they knew that Hector was gunnin' for them and will continue to do so the rest of their sentence. However long that may be.

Lau: It's fine. (hand on chest) It's nice to see that you care...esse.

Hector mugged Lau then turned his attention to Larry. "What about you bitch?

Larry immediately jumped up from the table and got in Hector's face with bawled up fists, ready to snap. "Oh yea boy wassup." Hector said matching Larry's glare. Larry knew what he and his brother were up against but at the moment that shit didn't matter. Anyone that wanted to test him, could catch the hands. At that moment one of the guards yelled out to get the twins' attention.

M/v: Twins! Phone call!

Laurent stood to his feet and grabbed ahold of his twin. Smirking in Hector and his buddies' faces he said. "Gentlemen" and walked off.

The guard led them through the prison and stopped at a door. Two other guards began to unlock their handcuffs, allowing them to walk through freely. Once they walked through they were instructed to sit down at a chair with a window in front and a phone on the wall to the right of them.

W/v: Okay, you will both get 15 minutes to speak to your loved ones. No talk about politics or any criminal activity.

Lau: ...Is that a joke?

W/v: (smirk) No.

Lau: Ha, just kidding.

The Woman guard pressed a button that automatically removed the white board that obstructed the view of the window. Once both windows were moved Larry and Lau sat in front of Angie and India. All four of them got excited and picked up the phones, calling each other's names for the first time in almost a week.

A: Larry! Oh my god baby I miss you so much! Are you okay!?

L: Yes baby I miss you too! Oh my god, you look so beautiful. I'm fine, but are you okay?

Lau: Oh my gosh belle, you look gorgeous. I love you so much.

I: Aww, baby. I love you too and I miss you so much. I have something for you.

India dug in her purse for a second and retrieved a few papers. She put the phone between her left shoulder and ear as she unfolded the papers. She pressed them to the window for Lau to see.

I: It's Laura, Layla, and Lauren's drawings. They made these the other day. *tears*

Lau: ...their beautiful.

Lau allowed a few tears to escape his eyes as he ran his fingers across the window, dying to touch the papers. He could almost feel the strokes of his babies' crayons drawing those pictures.

Lau: India...I'm so sorry...it's my fault, I-I, I didn't mean fo-

I: Hey, hey. It's okay. We are okay. I promise but we will be even better when you are free and I promise we will get you out of there.

L: Look at you woman...You taking over for Daddy. *wink*

A: Ahaha! Larry stop, your making me blush.

W/v: 10 minutes.

A: ...We have a plan. You guys are not gonna be in there forever.

L: Oh I'm sure. I know my team. (smile) Ya'll wokin. But to be honest baby, *sigh* please try harder and fast because these guys in here are really trying to break me and my brother.

A: I know, we're trying. We really are...I, I just don't want to fail you..*tears* La-

L: Hey no. No tears. Angie you got to be strong. Listen to me!

A: (look up) ...

L: You are my wife oki. I am in here I can no help this time, you have to have my back.

A: (nods slowly) Yes...I know.

L: You are strong. You are a criminal. Act like it. Oki, You are My. Criminal. You got this.

A: I got it. I got it.

L: I love you. You in charge. You say it. Tell me.

A: I'm in charge.

L: Both of you say it.

A&I: We're in charge.

Lau: Again.

A&I: We're in charge.

Angela and India looked at each other and grabbed hands, locking their fingers together. Taking a deep breath they both looked at their men. And just like that their meeting was over.

The guys were again being escorted out the doors but before they headed back to their cells India rushed out from the other side.

I: Guard wait!

The Woman guard turned around and was prepared to let India know she couldn't come that way, but all she did was lift up her babies' drawings with tears filling her eyes again with hopelessness. Laurent looked back at her as the cops were reapplying the cuffs to his wrists.

I: Please, just let him take our babies' drawings...It's all he has. Please. Please just let him take these to remember our kids.

W/v: *sigh* Alright ma'am.

The woman guard grabbed the papers and folded them neatly, handing them to Laurent. He smiled sweetly at India who was making her way back out the door with Angela. He looked back down at the papers, brought them to his face and kissed them.    

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