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A small jet plane cased the skyline of Italy. The view of large ancient buildings and narrow streets gave life to this vibrant city. Florence, Italy was full of life and men and women dancing in the street. There were people sitting outside at tables dining together in perfect harmony. The heat was no match for the peoples' joy. It was clear that love was in the air.

But in the sky there was a slightly different atmosphere. On the jet Angela sat across from Gianini and Pom. She wore a short black dress that hugged her curves marvelously. It was smooth textured in the front with leather on the sides, finished off with a thin gold belt. She also sported a black hat with a large brim and dark MK shades. G and Pom sat across from her in style as well. She couldn't look glamoured out while her best guys were in rags. Nah, they rocked Black and White Dolce and Gabana suits tailor made just for them.

Soon the jet plane came to a safe landing on Italian ground and G, Pom, and Angela were escorted off by none other than FBI officials. As Angie made her way down the steps one of them tried to hold her hand but she ignored them and kept walking.

Within the next hour a limo brought them to an over the top yet elegant mansion on the hills. Large gates parted ways for their entrance, the Limo made its way around the front doors before coming to a hault. Out stepped Angie and her guys along with the FBI. On inside the house they were led up some stairs, passing various artifacts and priceless artwork. Angela removed her shades to observe some pieces as she walked pass. Eventually they made it to a room through some double doors. The fire place was on full swing as a person sat with their back towards them on a very expensive couch.

One of the FBI officials stepped forward.

M/v: Mr. Pier, they're here.

The man turned around with wide Bifocals that made his eyes appear larger than they actually were. "Aaah how beautiful no?" Pier said as he rose from his seat. He began to walk towards Angela. "I was beginning to think you change you mind." Angela narrowed her eyes at the little man before her. "Oh trust me, I thought about it. Many other options came to mind." She shot back. She could tell that this was going to be one hell of a meeting because Pier was getting his ring back from her. She could sense his arrogance and on top of that, the fact that he also invited the FBI to join the party made it evident that he knew Criminalz was gonna try something. He was right, but also wrong.

JP: So, ze ring. You have it yes?

Angie lifted her hand with the ring facing him.

A: Its been in the same place for about 2 years now.

Jean Pier made a snicker at her statement. It didn't matter to him how long she's had it. Just as long as she gave it up. He made his way to a long dining table across the room.

JP: Before we make the exchange why don't you come sit down and discuss why my ring ended up on your finger?

Pier tapped a chair next to him as Angela stared with disgust. She eyed Pom and G. They assured her that they had her back and once she was sure of that, her feet moved. Pom pulled her chair back for her to sit. Once she was comfortable, G took it upon himself to pour her a glass of Wine.

JP: Um hey, what are you doing Monsiuer?!

P: She's our boss, she needs to relax. It's a long story for her to tell, she may get thirsty.

Jean Pier couldn't protest as Angela made a face letting him know that it was true. G continued to pour the glass to the top, she took the glass when he finished. She took some time to get situated in her seat, taking a few sips of the Wine before speaking.

A: What all do you wanna know? (sips) ....Pier.

JP: Well you can spare the details, I just want to know why my ring? Why not another one more simple and represent more for a woman of...your background.

Angie gulped deeply at his derogatory comment.

A: A woman of MY background. Huh. What the hell is that supposed to mean Peppy Le Puny!?

DW: Angela! Calm down.

Angie sat back down in her seat grabbing her wine glass harshly, downing what was left of the Wine as she stared at Pier. He had equal rage in his eyes.

JP: Listen I didn't bring you here to argue Madam...I just want to know what drew your crew to my diamond ring.

A: Fine, but ima make it short. I fell in love with one of the leaders, Larry Bourgeois. He wasn't my type in the beginning but hey, shit happens. And about 2 years ago he and his crew had to flee to Mexico to avoid the feds. But before he left Pom here, made a little store run-

Pom grinned a little and lifted his chin up in Pride when she mentioned him.

A: -Yea he's our little Criminalz secret. When we need some technical shit done he's our guy.

JP: Oh, how nice. Hmph.

A: Yea well anyway, while he and his twin were in Mexico he left me with a 4 year old little girl and a son yet to be born upon his return. He also left me 10,000 dollars in cash and your ring in a duffle bag...to be sure we were taken care of. So...that's what happened.

Jean sat there in deep thought for a while before offering a rebuttle. Angie was prepared for another one of his slick comments.

JP: You've told me how you stole the ring, but not why. (looks at Pom)

P: Well, when boss man was talking about buying a ring for baby girl right here, he told me to go out and case a few jewelry stores. He wanted to buy, but he needed to leave money for Angie and we needed expenses to travel safe to Mexico. His exact words were "Find the best of the best ring at every store. Pick the best one and take it. Bring it to me, so I can give it to my girl. I wanna make sure she never have to ask for anything every again in her life."

Angela looked up at Pom with tears filling her eyes. They shared a glance. With emotion, but respect. She didn't know that Larry put Pom up to stealing the finest of the finest rings in all of LA, just to propose to her with. She never knew he wanted to allow her to be taken care of for the rest of her life. After all this time she was beginning to realize how much of a blessing he is to her life. And he, was still in Prison.

She snapped out of her thoughts and dabbed at her eyes to dry them. Taking one last shot of the wine in her glass She stepped to Jean Pier.

A: Look, you heard everything now do you want the ring or not?

JP: Haha, of course I do belle. *snap, snap*

After his two snaps Detective Wellis and Detective Johns stood on either side of Angela. She looked at them suspicious. "What is this?" she asked. JP came back from a closet with two large bags. He lugged them and dropped them between him and Angie. Pom and G stood close by to make sure there wasn't anything funny about the situation.

JP: I just want to be sure that you and your guys here wont try anything crazy during the exchange. Um, ze ring please.

Detective Johns attempted to grab Angie by her hand with the ring but she quickly snatched it away, glaring him down. She took a few steps forward towards Pier. Lifting her hand she looked deeply at her ring one last time. It finally donned on her that it would be her last time looking at that ring. Her heart fluttered as she thought about the night Larry returned from Mexico and proposed to her in person with it. The warmth of his hands cupping hers to grace her finger with that circular piece of ice. Priceless to her, 5 hundred million to Jean Pier.

Then without any thoughts to hold her back she slipped off the ring and tossed it to Pier. He caught it like it was a baby; cautious to not drop it to the floor. He observed the inside of the band happy to see his signature. He smiled hard at Angela as she nodded her head at Pom and G to pick up the large duffle bags.

"$250,000 dollars is in each bag just in case you were wondering. I took the time to change it to Euros for you so it may seem like more, but no worries. It's all there." Jean Pier said. Angela wiped her last tear before turning on her heels out of there, with Pom and G close behind. On to the Jet, back to Paris...no regrets.

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