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The nightlife of Paris shined its lights bright off the luxurious paint job that was Les Twins' Lamborghini. Laurent did 80 all the way, speeding through other cars and switchin lanes like there were no reprocussions. After about 30 minutes or so Laurent cruised slowly through the hood streets of another side of town. There were broken down houses and drug fiends walking up and down the street looking for their fix. Larry glanced out the window as the car cruised on. He paid special attention to a little girl, about 2 or 3 years old, playing on the curb with a needle.

He immediately jumped into action. He commanded Lau to stop the car to let him out. He slammed the door shut and jogged over to the young innocent child. He grabbed her little baby hand and took the needle away. "Ne pas jouer avec ce bébé" (Don't play with that baby). He said tossing the needle across the street. Scooping her up Larry swung her on his waist as she wrapped her small arms around his neck, babbling. He knocked on the door of the house she was in front of and a woman opened the door. She said nothing as Larry placed the baby in her arms with a pissed off expression on is face.

He didn't say anything to her, but she knew in his mind he was giving her a mouth full. Shortly after Larry made it back to the car and Laurent continued the rest of the way.

Finally they pulled up to an abandoned house in the back woods. After turning the car off the guys stepped out and made their way to the front door. There was a slot at the top part and it opened revealing a pair of dark shades.

M/v: Yo who is it!?

Lau: It's Larry and Laurent from Criminalz Crew. We here for Roy.

M/v: Hold on. *close slide*

LT: (exchange looks) ...

*slide opens* M/v: Aight. Come in.

The sounds of almost a hundred of locks moving was loud and clear to Les Twins as they stood there in the night. Once the door opened they walked through and immediately was searched by four large guys. When it seemed like they were about to take their pistols away from them Roy had walked in just in time with a blunt glued to his lips.

R: My Niggas! Larry and Laurent Bourgeois wassup!?

The guys let them go, the boys fixed themselves as they greeted Roy with the same respect. They slapped hands and Roy led them to the back of the house. As they walked in a couple of half naked girls were walking out. They playfully winked at the twins, but they paid no mind to them hoochies.

R: Go ahead and sit down yall, make ya'selves at home. Aye yo Rob, make sure that door locked and keep a look out for fiends, we still got a couple more grams to sell. And all that shit better be gone by 3am ya heard!

M/v: I got you Roy.

The guys walked out leaving Roy and two of his guys along with Larry and Lau. Now, it was time for some real talk.

R: So, what's good wit yall now?

Lau: Well Roy my boy, we got problems with the feds again. And this time its more complicated.

R: Damn, the feds just wont leave yall the fuck alone will they?

L: I know, and its this Detective that's been watching us. He even went so far as to showing up at my daughter's school to question her and our mama house to tear it apart for answers.

R: What!? Oh hell no, now Mama B? That's way too fucking far!

Lau: Yea we know! Now I don't really have any better plan right now, other than to get rid of him and his partner.

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