three am (just waiting for you)

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Nate's POV

Where the fuck was she?

I had already called everywhere she could've been and nothing. All there was really left to do was go out and comb the streets for her.

It was nearing three am and I was tired and irritated and I just want to go to bed-

'The door opened.

Rory, her hair now streaked with red (what?) and smelling sort of like cigarettes and beer came stumbling in.

I almost had a heart attack.

"Where have you been?" I demanded.

She sighed, collasping on the couch. "Here and there, man. It got pretty crazaay."

I glared at her. "Everyone's been looking for you!"


Oops? Oops!?

"Sorry," she murmured, starting to look a little apologetic. "I just wanted to  forget."

Those words, arranged in that order, stirred a memory from somewhere, but I ignored it.

"Rachel and Emily had to cancel their dinner for you! Will had a date! A date!" We all know how rare that is. "Nattie was... I actually don't know, but he was doing something! Jack was out with Lena! Andrew was with Jill! You ruined their whole night!"

To my shock and horror, she did something I had never, ever linked to Rory.

She started to cry.

I stood there. Shit. I hadn't meant to make her cry. I just wanted her to understand the gravity of the situation, and not to do it again. But not to cry.

Once again, that weird familar feeling came back and I tried to place where I had seen this before; a person crying on that couch, saying they just wanted to forget it all.

I rubbed my neck awkwardly and made a move to comfort her but then stopped.

"I'm sorry," she said. "I didn't mean to; I just didn't want to spend another night here."

I heard the unsaid words in that sentence. 'I don't want to spend another night here with you.' Well, that kind of hurt.

I decided the best thing to do was put her to sleep and have her feel better tomorrow. I picked her up with ease and carried her to her bedroom.

"Where are you pajamas?" I asked kindly. I wasn't a total asshole, okay. I wasn't gonna be mean to a girl who was crying.

She stood up shakily and dug through her drawer, then stepped back. "I guess I forgot them."

I nodded. "Um, you can use one of my shirts."

I walked hastily to my room and got her one of my shirts. "Here," I said, tossing it to her and turning away while she changed.

When I turned back around she was under the blanket, curled into a ball.

"Thanks," she murmured, voice rusty.

"Of course," I replied. I was about to head to my bed when she said something.


I turned again. "Yeah?"

Rory blushed, and she looked mystically beautiful, her blonde hair turned silver in the moon light that shone through the window and her green eyes almost glowing in the darkness. There was a strange look in them that was hauntingly familar; I'd seen that look before, I just wasn't sure where.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Um, Rory..."

"Please? I just... I don't want to be alone."

How was I supposed to resist that?

I crossed the room and joined her in the bed. There was something hard underneath my hands.

"Um. What's this?"

"Shit," she swore. "Um, nothing. Nothing!"

I was already holding the two albums up so I could see. It was the Format and fun. Both autographed. My eyes widened. "Where did you get these?"

She muttered something.

I turned over on my side, facing her. "What was that?"

She sighed. "I met you guys, before."

"You did?"

"Yeah. I used to be a fan."

Holy shit, did the world just end? Rory Wells liked us? The band? And the Format? Fun.?

"Why didn't you tell me?" I demanded.

"Um... I dunno."

"But y-you-" "Can we talk about this later? I'm tired."

Oops. Forgot about that.

"I guess," I relented. And then suddenly I realized why she was so familar, why those scenes were so familar. She reminded me of myself, before. When The Format had broken up and fun. was just starting and me and Jack hated each other. When I was depressed and all I wanted to do was drink and forget it all.

"I just want to forget it all," she had said, voice hoarse from tears.

I swore, right there, that from now on I wouldn't be so snappy to her. If I hadn't had my friends and family when I was like that, I'm afraid of what would've happened to me.

I suppose she fell asleep, 'cause I highly doubt what she did next she'd do fully conscience. She wrapped her arms loosely around my neck and layed her head against my chest. I froze then slowly relaxed, easing my arms around her waist.

Well, this was weird. But even weirder... I liked it.

AN Heh, you guys gettin' feels yet?

I know this was a short chapter. It could've been longer, but I wanted to end it here. Updating soon, though! Hopefully...

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