chapter six

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I woke up to the sound of birds chriping. I stretched and got out of bed and went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth with the minty toothpaste, then I got the brush and combed my hair and put it into a fishtail braid.

I went to my backpack and pulled out some jeans and a really cute Mickey Mouse shirt. Then my phone buzzed again the number was unknown. My mind just went blank it was Brendan. Again. What could he possibly want this time?

The text said: You look amazing today I especially love that Mickey Mouse t shirt. Xoxo Brendan.

How in the world did he know what I was wearing? He must be stalking me. I have to get out of here. It was already getting creepy when he got my phone number and kissed some but this.. knowing what I'm wearing without him even being here draws the line.

I ran over to my bag and started shoving everything I had in there, I was trying not to waste time. I have to get out of here before he does something worse. Maybe if I went home and told my mom what is going on she will understand and try to help me and maybe even let me stay home for awhile or until this blows over.

A.N. so I know this chapter was a little bit boring but it will get better. Thank u all for reading and please show your support by commenting and voting thanks everyone - Macey

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