chapter seven

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I ran out of the hotel in search for a bus station. After a few miles of walking I found one and hopped right in.

" Money please." The old man said.

" How much " I asked.

" two fifty." He said.

I started to rummage through my backpack, dammit I only have a dollar and fourteen cents.. Oh boy I really hope he will let me ride to my mom's house is like 15 miles from here and I really don't feel like walking that far and plus it would take me forever.

" Ugh sir? "

" yes ? " He replied.

" I only have a dollar and fourteen cents.." I explained

" That's fine hun just go take a seat in the back."

" thank you." I said

" Don't mention it." He replied with a big smile.

I went and sat in the very back hoping nobody would come sit next to me.

Finally we were there. I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door hoping she would answer.

" Who is it?" My mom asked.

" It's umm your daughter.." I responded.

She pulled the door open as hard as she could and asked me why I was there.

" Mom, I need help." I said.

" Why would I help you? " She asked grimly.

" Because someone is stalking me.. and I need a place to stay for a while". I said.

" Look you are seventeen why don't you just go figure it out yourself. " she said while slamming the front door in my face.

Then a large van pulled up right next to where I was standing. I looked up and it was Brendan.

" What are you doing Aubrey? " Brendan asked.

" What..? Ho- how did you get here? " I asked.

" I asked you a QUESTION! He said while grabbing my hair and slamming me up against the van.

" I- I was just talking to my mom" I said cowardly.

" What were you telling her about?" He asked sternly.


" Okay then fine how about you get ready for dinner at my place then. You can change in the car I have a super cute outfit in there for you." He said.

" YOUR CRAZY I'M NOT GOING!" I screamed.

I tried to run away but he had a tight grip of my arm and nobody could hear me scream, then he reached in his pocket and pulled out a syringe and stuck the needle into my arm.

My vision started to go blurry and my eyelids felt heavy. The last thing I remember was him lifting me into the back of his van an then my vision and everything else went blank.

A.N. did you guys enjoy this chapter? I know I had a great time writing it. Thanks again everyone please vote and comment on this chapter! Xoxo Macey

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