chapter thirteen

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Aubrey's p.o.v.

The pain. That was all I could think about when I woke up. It felt like every bone in my body was shattered. Every time I took a deep breath in I felt like my lungs were being squeezed. I have to get up. I have to look in the mirror and see what this creep has done to me.

I'm going to have to take it easy.. so I scooted myself to the edge of the bed and swung my legs off. Immediately after I took my first step in crumbled to the ground. It hurt like hell. I grabbed onto the closest thing to me which was a couch and I pulled myself up.

That's when I looked into the mirror. I wasn't wearing any clothes other than a long baggy red shirt. Brendan must have put this on me after he defiled me. Just thinking about what happened and what it felt like is making close to puking.

I leaned over and switched the light switch on so I could see my body better. After I did I immediately regretted it. I had purple and grey bruises on my neck I the shape of hands that went all the way down my neck. I also had bruises on my stomach and chest and arms.

It looked like I was beaten up by a lawn mower.

I guess I should take a shower and go to bed it will probably make me feel better. I hobbled over to the shower and turned the water on the heat made my body sting and I couldn't handle it so I decided to get out.

Brendan's p.o.v.

After I finished teaching her a lesson I grabbed my clothes and threw them back on. I could her her faint cries from the bedroom and it made me feel like a complete ass. I didn't want to hurt her but I have already tried being nice to her and waiting till she got settled her but it didn't work and I'm done being the nice guy. I know know I have to be firm with her to get her to act right.

I wish she knew how much I loved her and knew that no matter how bad she acted or how strict I could get, I would do anything for her. Maybe she just has to learn that and then she won't be so bad anymore.

Maybe I'm not showing get her I love her enough.

A.N. I'm so sorry to everyone who was waiting for the update. I know I keep saying that I will update a lot faster but I don't and I'm sorry.

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