Chapter 17

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Brendan's p.o.v.

I couldn't sleep all night, and now it is sunrise and I can only think about one thing.

He is coming. My brother is coming for us, and I am so deathly afraid of what is going to happen. Will he take her? It would be so easy for him to take her. He is so strong he can over power me easily.... or will he hurt her? She is a good girl and he should treat he as such... he will unless she disobeys him or me. I must protect her I love her and I think she is just starting to love me too. I can not lose her.

My thoughts swirled in my head, and it was making my brain work way to fast so my eyes started feeling heavy and they just dropped.


When I woke up it was eight thirty in the morning when I finally woke up. I threw the blankets off my body and went straight into the bathroom and as I was brushing my teeth I looked into the mirror my eyes look red and puffy from not getting to sleep, I hit the mirror and opened it to put some eye drops in my eyes. That's a little better.

Now onto clothes. What should I wear? I mean it's just my brother but that's the problem. It's just my brother. I shook my head to clear my thoughts and grabbed a white Polo Shirt and kaki pants.

I walked into Aubrey's room to see if she was awake and she wasn't so I sat on the bed and rubbed her head until she arose.

" Hey... she said." As she rolled onto her back so she could see me.

" You look nice. She said."

" Thank you beautiful. It's a special day today so you need to get up and put something nice on and do your makeup and make yourself look nice. I said"

" Okay. She said as she leaned up and gave me a quick peck on my lips which made my heart flutter. "

Then she got out of bed.

" Oh and babe, I'll be back I have to head out for a bit just make sure you keep everything locket including Windows. "

" Oh okay umm why? She asked."

" Just do it please. I said sternly."

Then I grabbed my keys and walked out of the door.

Aubrey's p.o.v.

What's wrong with him this morning, why is he so stressed that his brother is coming? Maybe he hasn't seen him in awhile or something but I better not ask I don't want to build more tension.

So I walked into the bedroom and grabbed a beautiful yellow sundress he bought me awhile ago and some wedges.

It made me think how long I've been here... a few months a year? I'm not really sure I'm not leaving any time soon and I don't think I want to leave anyway.

I walked into the bathroom and wet my tooth brush and applied tooth paste on it and started brushing my teeth. Then I put on my beautiful clothes and shoes and decided to curl my hair. I did my makeup while the curling iron was getting hot I had winged eyeliner with brown eyes shadow and dark matte red lipstick.

When I was done I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the dog food for Apollo and put it in his large red bowl. I called him to eat and he jumped onto me knocking me over.

" Aww hi baby, your such a love bug. I said " as he licked me all over.

I gave him a kiss on the head and then there was a knock on the door. I walked to the door and opened it.

" You must be Aubrey, I am Brendan's brother, David. " He said.

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